June 30, 2023
Contact: Tasha Owen, Water Quality Analyst, tasha.owen@deq.idaho.gov.
TWIN FALLS — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking a representative to fill a vacancy on the Upper Snake Basin Advisory Group (BAG). The vacancy representation is for Public at Large.
The Upper Snake BAG is comprised of citizens, appointed by DEQ’s director, representing stakeholder groups from 19 counties in southern Idaho. The BAG advises DEQ on water quality objectives within Idaho’s Upper Snake Basin and represents industries and interests directly affected by water quality programs within the basin. The BAG meets as necessary to advise DEQ on the following matters:
- Priorities within the basin
- Revisions needed in the designated beneficial uses for water bodies within the basins
- Categories to which water bodies in the basin should be assigned
- Processes for developing and implementing total maximum daily loads
- Members to be appointed to watershed advisory groups
- Water quality 319 nonpoint source priority projects throughout the region
Members must have a demonstrated interest or expertise that will benefit the work of the group. Anyone interested in serving on the BAG as a representative of the above interest group should contact Tasha Owen at (208) 736-2190 or tasha.owen@deq.idaho.gov by 5 p.m. MDT on August 31, 2023.