Official Government Website

Environmental Fees:  Docket No. 58-0114-2401

Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020.

Status of Rulemaking

No additional meetings are scheduled.


DEQ initiated this rulemaking in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020.  

In this rulemaking, DEQ proposes the consolidation of environmental fees into one chapter. Phase one is consolidation of fees applicable to wastewater treatment facilities and includes the following proposals.

New Section 170, IPDES and Reuse Permit Fee Schedule:
This proposal moves the IPDES permit fee schedule language currently in Section 110 of 58.01.25 to 58.01.14.  Section 170 also includes a proposal for fees associated with DEQ’s recycled water program. 

Update Section 110, Subsurface Sewage Disposal:
This proposal lists fees intended as minimums for specific permit types.

Meeting Details

Open EVENT DETAIL below for meeting information and agenda.

Method for Participating and Submitting Comments

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Those interested in participating in the negotiated rulemaking process are encouraged to attend the scheduled meeting.

For those who cannot participate by attending the meeting, public comment opportunities will be made available throughout the rulemaking process.

Submit all written comments and direct questions to:

Mary Anne Nelson
Department of Environmental Quality
1410 N. Hilton St.
Boise, ID 83706

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Information pending.

CommentSubmitted byDate Received
Comment on Rule Draft No. 2Environmental Health Director’s Working Group06/07/24
Comment on Rule Draft No. 2Idaho Rural Water Association (IRWA)06/05/24
Comment on Rule Draft No. 2Idaho Association of  Commerce & Industry (IACI) 05/20/24

No comments received on Negotiated Rule Draft No. 1


Information pending.

Information pending.

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No information available at this time.

ver: 3.5.2 | last updated:
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