September 4, 2024
Contact: Leighann Conniff, Ground Water Analyst,
LEWISTON –The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is reaching out to private well owners in the Lindsay Creek Nitrate Priority Area, located in Lewiston, Idaho, to participate in a private well sampling event.
The sampling event will test for nitrates, arsenic, bacteria, and common ions at private wells, and will take place in October of this year. Participation is free and well owners will receive a copy of the results. To participate, contact Leighann Conniff at (208) 799-4370 or by September 27, 2024.
DEQ maintains a list of degraded groundwater areas throughout the state, which are referred to as nitrate priority areas. In 2020, the Lindsay Creek Nitrate Priority Area was listed as a “moderate-high” priority due to elevated levels of nitrate, ranking 20th out of a list of 35 priority areas.
Groundwater provides over 95% of Idaho’s drinking water and nitrate is the most common and widespread contaminant in groundwater. Long-term exposure to elevated nitrate levels can have adverse health effects, especially in infants younger than six months and individuals with underlying health conditions.