Official Government Website

DEQ seeks comment on draft permit to construct for Itafos Conda, LLC

Accepting comments from February 5, 2025, through March 7, 2025.

The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) seeks comment on a draft permit to construct for Itafos Conda, LLC.

Itafos Conda produces phosphate-based fertilizers near Soda Springs, Idaho, and is classified as a major facility under Idaho rules because it emits or has the potential to emit above the major source threshold.

The facility applied for a permit to construct and operate a stormwater retention pond to control stormwater from Gyp Stack F-GYP-0 during closure activities and after closure of the F-GYP-0 stack. DEQ has determined that construction and operation according to the proposed permit will not cause or significantly contribute to a violation of any ambient air quality standard and will not injure or unreasonably affect human or animal life or vegetation. DEQ has reviewed the application and completed an analysis of the information submitted by the applicant for the new beneficiation plant. Based on this analysis, DEQ proposes to issue the permit to construct.

The application materials are available for review on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities web page. Written comments will be accepted through March 7, 2025, at 5 p.m. Mountain Time. Submit comments electronically using the form below or by mail or email to:  

Aaron Hoberg
1410 N. Hilton St.
Boise, ID 83706

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Application materials

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Public Comment Form

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