DEQ seeks source water protection grant applications

May 20, 2024

Contact:  Curtis Cooper, Source Water Protection Coordinator,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting source water protection grant applications for the fiscal year 2025 source water protection funding cycle.

Source water protection grants provide funding for projects that protect or reduce contamination of public drinking water sources. Eligible projects include the following:

  • Contaminant pathway removal (e.g., closure of abandoned or unused wells)
  • Contaminant source identification (e.g., research)
  • Contaminant removal (e.g., hazardous waste collection, pollution prevention, and waste reduction)
  • Contaminant management (e.g., implementation of best management practices or structures to divert contaminated runoff from the source)
  • Restoration and conservation of the ecological function of source water protection areas
  • Education and information sharing (e.g., brochures, workshops, and media campaigns)
  • Security measures to protect the source

Eligible applicants include public water systems, state and local government agencies, tribes, special districts such as soil conservation districts, associations, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions in Idaho. To learn about funding and eligibility, contact DEQ’s source water coordinator prior to applying.

The maximum award per grant is $24,000. Grants cannot be used for personnel or equipment costs associated with operation and maintenance of drinking water systems.

Applications are due June 30, 2024. Electronic submissions are required through DEQ’s grant management system, AmpliFund.

For more information or to apply for a source water protection grant, visit DEQ’s Source Water Protection Grants page or contact Curtis Cooper, DEQ’s source water coordinator, at (208) 373-0249 or

DEQ awards $130,840 to the city of Moyie Springs

May 14, 2024

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,  

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $130,840 low-interest drinking water construction loan to the city of Moyie Springs in Boundary County, Idaho.

The funding will provide emergency drinking water assistance for the construction of a new water main, which is necessary to restore of the city’s supply source.

The funds from DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund, which is capitalized annually by grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, provides funding with no repayment obligation. The favorable loan terms represent a $220,135 savings to the community when compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances.

DEQ awards $2 million to Oden View Estates Improvement Association, Inc.

May 14, 2024

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,  

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $2 million low-interest drinking water construction loan to Oden View Estates Improvement Association Inc. in Bonner County, Idaho.

The funding will be used to add a new water source, replace some of the current distribution system, add water meters and pressure-reducing valve stations, and install a standby generator.

DEQ is authorized by state law to make loans to assist in the construction of public drinking water systems. Since the annual cost of drinking water service for residential customers exceeds 1.5% of the median household income, Oden View Estates Improvement Association Inc. qualifies for a disadvantaged loan, which carries favorable repayment terms.

The loan from DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund, which is capitalized annually by grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, carries a simple 1.75% interest rate, is payable over 30 years, and has $1,745,000 in principal forgiveness. The favorable loan terms represent a $1,860,031 savings to the community when compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances.

Idaho DEQ encourages public to prepare for wildfire season 

May 14, 2024 

Contact: Dan Smith, Airshed Coordinator,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is encouraging the public to prepare for smoke impacts during what is expected to be another active wildfire season.  

Impacts from wildfire smoke are typically felt from around early July to mid-September. However, harmful smoke from a Canadian wildfire is already affecting some communities in the Midwest, leading to unhealthy air quality alerts issued in Wisconsin and Minnesota. 

Breathing in wildfire smoke can cause serious respiratory and cardiovascular effects, and smoke can be particularly harmful to people with underlying health conditions, pregnant women, children, and older individuals.  

The following resources are available to help you protect your health this summer and prepare for wildfire season. For more information, visit AirNow’s Be Smoke Ready web page.

Create a clean air room 

During wildfires, smoke can enter your home. Creating a clean air room can help reduce exposure to wildfire smoke while indoors, which can be especially important for sensitive groups. To create a clean air room, designate an indoor space, close all windows and doors, and tuck towels in any cracks. To improve air quality during a smoke event, install a high efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA or MERV 13) in your HVAC system, purchase a portable air cleaner, or create a clean air fan

Build a DIY air fan 

A DIY air fan is a simple and affordable way to filter out particulate matter in a small indoor space. There are various designs, ranging from simple to more complicated, and all are less expensive than commercial filters. These homebuilt filters can be very effective, and studies show that they can compete with expensive HEPA filters when constructed properly.  

You can create a DIY air fan by purchasing a new box fan (ensure it has a UL or ETL logo) and high-efficiency filter (rated MERV 13 or higher). Adhere the filter to the back of the fan by aligning the arrows on the filter with the direction of the air flow through the fan. Change the filter when it appears dirty or starts to release smoke odors.

Check DEQ’s daily air quality forecast 

DEQ’s real-time air quality map provides the latest air quality data from DEQ and tribal monitors. Each dot on the interactive map represents an active air quality monitor, and the color of each dot corresponds with the current Air Quality Index (AQI) category based on the latest available data. Learn more on DEQ’s Air Quality Index web page.  

DEQ’s Air Quality Forecasts web page provides daily forecasts for certain areas throughout state. DEQ forecasts the expected AQI for three days and identifies the main pollutant of concern. The page also includes burn restrictions, air quality advisories, links to the outdoor open burning and real-time air quality maps, and the 10-day AQI trend.  

DEQ postpones submission of Bruneau River Subbasin TMDL 

May 7, 2024 

Contact: Thea Wickersham, Water Quality Coordinator,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is postponing the submission of a water quality improvement report for the Bruneau River Subbasin. 

The report, also known as a total maximum daily load (TMDL), outlines strategies to reduce E. coli contamination in Big Flat Creek, Deer Creek, and Three Creek in southwestern Idaho. Due to concerns raised during the public comment period, DEQ will begin collecting additional data and conducting further analysis. 

The TMDL was first made available for a 30-day public comment period in January 2024, in accordance with Idaho Code § 39-3611. The comment opportunity was extended for an additional 60 days in February 2024 and closed in April 2024. 

Public input focused on the plan’s impacts to grazing, stream permanence or intermittence, applicable beneficial uses, and data quality, including methodology, E. coli source, flow measurement, sample location, and insufficient data. The United States Bureau of Land Management also submitted a data correction for the 2018 Clover Creek report used in development of this draft TMDL.   

DEQ will work to address provisions in the Bruneau River Subbasin TMDL. Until the document is updated and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the assessment units will remain listed as impaired water bodies and included in Category 5 of the §303 (d) list of Idaho’s Integrated Report.  

DEQ awards over $5 million to three drinking water systems across Idaho 

May 2, 2024

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,  

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of $5,214,744 in construction grants to three drinking water systems. These construction projects are made possible through Governor Little’s Leading Idaho initiative.  

“Water is our most valuable resource, and we absolutely must keep up the infrastructure to ensure water is clean and plentiful for this generation and future ones. That is why we made historic investments in water quality and quantity this year as part of my ‘Leading Idaho’ plan,” Governor Little said. “These investments also could keep your property taxes low. Property taxes are determined locally but the investments we made in water and other infrastructure needs at the state level help relieve the burden on local government to cover costs of projects, improving the chances property owners won’t be burdened with the costs,” said Governor Little. 

The following systems received funding:

Butte City – Butte City in Butte County was awarded $600,000 to improve the water supply and install a new well, tank, and booster pump station. 

Council – The city of Council in Adams County was awarded $1,686,080 to install a new well, well pump, storage tank, and booster pump and replace a booster station and water mains. 

Homedale – The city of Homedale in Owyhee County was awarded $2,928,664 to install a new well and well pump, rehabilitate the water storage tank, and replace service lines and water mains. 


In 2023, the State of Idaho approved plans to roll out $115 million in water and wastewater infrastructure project funding, benefiting communities across Idaho through DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund Program. This program provides grants and low-interest loans to qualified recipients to improve drinking water and wastewater facilities. The criteria and list to expend the Leading Idaho funds are listed at

These construction grants represent an estimated $8,649,310 savings to communities compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances.  

For more information about DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund Program and to learn more about this year’s funding recipients, go to DEQ’s Construction Loans page. 

DEQ seeks comment on proposed settlement action with Track Doctor LLC 

May 1, 2024 

Contact: Ben Johnson, Wastewater Enforcement Coordinator, 

Boise – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking comment on a proposed settlement action with The Track Doctor LLC. 

DEQ alleges that The Track Doctor LLC discharged pollutants into Paradise Creek in Moscow, Idaho, on June 22, 2023, without an Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. On February 12, 2024, DEQ issued a notice of violation directing The Track Doctor LLC to resolve the violation and pay a penalty settlement of $7,600. In compliance with Idaho Code 39-108(9) and IDAPA, DEQ is publishing the proposed consent order for public comment. 

The proposed settlement action is available for review on DEQ’s website and at DEQ’s State Office (1410 N. Hilton Street, Boise, Idaho). Written comments will be accepted through May 31, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. MST. This settlement action may be amended or adjusted in the future, in which case, DEQ may provide an additional public comment opportunity. 

Submit comments electronically on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities page or by mail or email: 

Ben Johnson 
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality 
1410 N. Hilton St. 
Boise, ID 83607 

DEQ seeks comment on draft reuse permit for city of Genesee

May 1, 2024

Contact: Todd Higgins, Soil Scientist,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking comment on a draft reuse permit for the city of Genesee.

The city is proposing to construct, own, and operate a new Class 2 municipal wastewater treatment facility and decommission the existing treatment facility. Treatment will be through a three-cell aerated lagoon treatment system, two submerged aerated rock filters for ammonia reduction, and chlorine disinfection and dichlorination in order to produce Class C recycled water. The new facility will increase available acreage for land application from 6 acres to 34.8 acres. The city intends to increase land application rates from 4 million gallons per year to 27.5 million gallons year, reducing total discharge volumes to Cow Creek authorized under Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit ID-002012-5.

Operation of the wastewater treatment and reuse facility is expected to begin in 2025. The permit would authorize reuse operations for seven years and establish monitoring requirements, limits on nutrient and hydraulic loading, and conditions established by DEQ to protect public health and the environment.

The permit materials are available for public review at DEQ’s State Office (1410 North Hilton Street, Boise, Idaho 83706), Lewiston Regional Office (1118 F Street
Lewiston, Idaho 83501), and on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities page. Written comments will be accepted through May 31, 2024, until 5 p.m. MDT. Submit comments electronically on DEQ’s website or by mail or email to: 

Todd Higgins
1410 N. Hilton St.
Boise, ID 83703

DEQ announces public comment period on draft fiscal year 2025 State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan and Planning Grant Priority Lists 

April 26, 2024 

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief, 

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking comment on a series of plans that will guide how DEQ prioritizes and awards funding for water infrastructure investments. 

The documents include the following: 

  1. State Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan (IUP), which includes the priority lists for loans, emerging contaminants, and lead service line inventory projects. 
  2. State Drinking Water Planning Grant Priority List. 
  3. State Wastewater Planning Grant Priority List.  

Once approved and finalized by the Idaho Board of Environmental Quality, these documents will govern the state’s funding decisions for state fiscal year 2025. 

DEQ will award grants and loans from these lists in priority order to the highest ranked, “shovel-ready” projects. Awards will be made in full to projects that can utilize all of the available funding. An informational meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024, at 11 a.m. MST via Microsoft Teams. Visit DEQ’s Events Page to register for this meeting. 

Funding determinations for the Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grants, which is a separate grant opportunity and not part of the public comment period, will be announced after July 1, 2024. 

The priority lists and intended use plan are available for public review at DEQ’s State Office (1410 N. Hilton Street, Boise, Idaho 83706), DEQ’s Regional Offices, and on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities page. Hard copies are available at each regional office by request: 

Boise Regional Office 
Coeur d’Alene Regional Office
Idaho Falls Regional Office 
Lewiston Regional Office 
Pocatello Regional Office 
Twin Falls Regional Office 

Written comments will be accepted through May 28, 2024, at 5 p.m. MST. Submit comments electronically on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities page or by mail or email to:  

MaryAnna Peavey 
1410 N. Hilton St. 
Boise, ID 83706 

Salmon Basin Advisory group hosting State Agriculture Best Management Practices Grant meeting 

April 17, 2024 

Contact: Destiny Locke, Water Quality Analyst, 

SALMON – The Salmon Basin Advisory Group is hosting a public meeting to review nonpoint source State Agriculture Best Management Practices Grant applications. 

The meeting is scheduled for April 24, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. (MST) at the Salmon Grange located at 110 North Terrace Street in Salmon, Idaho. 

The advisory group consists of members appointed by the director of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality to represent stakeholder groups from southeastern Idaho and advise DEQ on surface water issues throughout the region. 

On April 24, the group will meet to review applications submitted through the State Agriculture Best Management Practices Grant. This program supports water quality improvement efforts statewide, including helping landowners modify their agricultural practices to reduce water pollution and meet the objectives of total maximum daily load requirements.  

For more information about the State Agriculture Best Management Practices Grant, visit DEQ’s Nonpoint Source Subgrants in Idaho web page.

DEQ awards nearly $2.6 million to city of Homedale in Owyhee County

April 16, 2024

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $2,584,336 low-interest drinking water construction loan to the city of Homedale in Owyhee County.

The funding will be used to install a new well and well pump, rehabilitate the water storage tank, and replace service lines and water mains.

The loan from DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund, which is capitalized annually by grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, carries a simple 2.50% interest rate, and is payable over 20 years. The favorable loan terms represent a $300,564.61 in savings to the community when compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances.

DEQ seeks applications for fiscal year 2025 nonpoint source management grant program 

April 15, 2024 

Contact:  Bonnie Yoshizaki, Nonpoint Source Coordinator,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking grant applications for the fiscal year 2025 federal nonpoint source management § 319 funding cycle. 

Section 319 of the Clean Water Act established a grant program to support a variety of nonpoint source pollution management activities, including technical assistance, financial assistance, education, training, technology transfer, demonstration projects, and monitoring to assess the success of specific nonpoint source implementation projects. 

Grants are awarded annually on a competitive basis. A successful grant must focus on reducing pollutant loads and improving the water quality of lakes, streams, rivers, and aquifers. Funds may be used to address nonpoint source management and prevention activities: 

  • Agriculture 
  • Stormwater 
  • Transportation 
  • Silvicultural or forestry-related activities 
  • Ground water activities 
  • Mining 
  • Hydrologic and habitat modifications 

Application Process 

All interested applicants will need to create an account and submit a completed application using DEQ’s new online grant management system, AmpliFund. Resources and instructions can be found on DEQ’s Grant Funding Resources web page and Nonpoint Source Subgrants in Idaho web page under the header “Important Dates and Other Information.” 

DEQ is accepting applications from April 15 through July 15, 2024. 

DEQ accepting applications for 2024 small suction dredge mining season 

April 9, 2024 

Contact: Angela Anderson, IPDES General Permit Supervisor, 

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting small suction dredge mining permit applications for the 2024 season. 

The Small Suction Dredge Mining General Permit (SSDMGP) is currently out for public comment. If issued, the permit would authorize discharge into Waters of the United States from small suction dredge mining operations within the state of Idaho. The general permit identifies the pollutants of concern, required limits for each pollutant, and monitoring and reporting requirements necessary to ensure compliance with the permit and to protect human health and the environment. 

A final effective date will be determined when the comment opportunity closes. 

Deadlines and Submittal Instructions 

The SSDMGP Notice of Intent application will be available for editing in DEQ’s Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) E-Permitting System on April 9, 2024, and can be submitted starting May 1, 2024. Applications should be submitted using the E-Permitting System, however, entities that received an approved electronic waiver can submit materials via mail or in person to a DEQ regional office between May 1 and June 1, 2024. 

Applications for the following special dredging locations must be submitted by June 1, 2024:  

  • Grimes, Elk, Mores (GEM) Creeks 
  • South Fork Clearwater River 
  • McCoy Creek 
  • Lolo Creek 
  • Orogrande Creek 
  • French Creek 
  • Moose Creek (12 miles east of Kelly Forks Work Center in the portion of T39N, R11E, Sections 4 and 9, T40N, R11E, Sections 29, 31, 32, 33, Clearwater County, Idaho)  

Applications for all other areas will be accepted and processed in accordance with the final 2024 SSDMGP. 

Contact Information 

For questions regarding the permit or eligibility for the Notice of Intent application, contact Angela Anderson at or (208) 373-0560. For technical questions regarding the E-Permitting System and application access, contact Shanda Lowder at or (208) 373-0136. 

DEQ accepting State Agricultural Best Management Practices Grant Program applications through April 15, 2024 

April 8, 2024

Contact:  Bonnie Yoshizaki, Nonpoint Source Coordinator,

BOISE – Applicants interested in implementing agricultural or ranching best management practices have until April 15, 2024, to submit applications under the state Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMP) Grant Program. 

The grant program supports water quality improvement efforts statewide, including helping landowners modify their agricultural practices to reduce water pollution and meet the objectives of total maximum daily load requirements. Eligible projects must address agricultural or ranching BMPs and be ready to implement. Projects must also involve multiple partners and leverage other funding resources. 

Application Process 

DEQ transitioned to a new online grant management system known as AmpliFund. All interested applicants will need to create an account and submit a completed application using the new system. Resources and instructions can be found on DEQ’s Grant Funding Resources web page and Nonpoint Source Subgrants in Idaho web page under the header “Important Dates and Other Information.”  

DEQ is accepting applications from March 15 to April 15, 2024. 

DEQ awards nearly $2 million to the city of Council in Adams County

April 5, 2024

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $1,985,620 low-interest drinking water construction loan to the city of Council in Adams County, Idaho.

The funding will be used to install a new well, well pump, storage tank, and booster pump and replace the current booster station and water mains.

The loan from DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund, which is capitalized annually by grants from the US Environmental Protection Agency, carries a simple 2.5% interest rate, and is payable over 20 years. The favorable loan terms represent a $336,942.24 savings to the community when compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances.

DEQ awards nearly $3.2 million to Idaho City in Boise County 

April 2, 2024

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $3,185,000 construction grant to Idaho City in Boise County, Idaho.  

The construction project funds, which were made possible through Governor Little’s Leading Idaho initiative, will be used for intake reconstruction, leak detection and repair of distribution piping, source deficiencies, and water main replacement.  

“Water is our most valuable resource, and we absolutely must keep up the infrastructure to ensure water is clean and plentiful for this generation and future ones. That is why we made historic investments in water quality and quantity this year as part of my ‘Leading Idaho’ plan,” Governor Little said. “These investments also could keep your property taxes low. Property taxes are determined locally but the investments we made in water and other infrastructure needs at the state level help relieve the burden on local government to cover costs of projects, improving the chances property owners won’t be burdened with the costs,” said Governor Little. 


In 2023, the State of Idaho approved plans to roll out $115 million in water and wastewater infrastructure project funding, benefiting communities across Idaho through DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund program. This program provides low-interest loans and grants to qualified recipients to improve their drinking water and wastewater facilities. The criteria and list to expend the Leading Idaho funds are available here.

These construction grants represent an estimated $5,195,730 savings to communities compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances. For more information about DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund Program and to learn more about this year’s funding recipients, go to DEQ’s Construction Loans page. 

DEQ awards $3.1 million to Spirit Bend Water Association

April 2, 2024

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $3.1 million low-interest drinking water construction loan to Spirit Bend Water Association in Kootenai County, Idaho.

The funding will be used to conduct an environmental review, make upgrades to the well and booster station, upsize distribution piping, replace meters, purchase a new well, and make security improvements.

DEQ is authorized by state law to make loans to assist in the construction of public drinking water systems. Since the annual cost of drinking water service for residential customers exceeds 1.5% of the median household income, Spirit Bend Water Association qualifies for a disadvantaged loan, which carries favorable repayment terms.

The loan from DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund, which is capitalized annually by grants from the US Environmental Protection Agency, carries a simple 1.75% interest rate, is payable over 30 years, and offers $3.1 million in principal forgiveness. The favorable loan terms represent a $5,044,489 savings to the community when compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances.

DEQ seeking participation in groundwater monitoring program in Jerome, Idaho 

March 29, 2024 

Contact: Nicholas Howell, Source Water Protection Analyst,

Jerome – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is reaching out to private well owners in southwest Jerome, Idaho, to participate in a groundwater sampling program. 

Sampling will take place in May of this year and is free for well owners. 

DEQ maintains a list of degraded groundwater areas throughout the state, which are referred to as nitrate priority areas. The study will help DEQ reassess sites in the southwest Jerome nitrate priority area sampled by other state agencies prior to 2010 and will include new locations to update the nitrate concentration data in this region. The results will help identify the primary sources of nitrates and inform decisions concerning future development in the area. 

Groundwater provides over 95% of Idaho’s drinking water and nitrate is the most common and widespread contaminant in groundwater. Long-term exposure to elevated nitrate levels can have adverse health effects, especially in infants younger than six months and individuals with underlying health conditions. 

To participate, contact Nicholas Howell at or (208) 736-2190. 

DEQ awards $7.3 million to city of Cottonwood 

March 18, 2024 

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $7,391,856 low-interest wastewater construction loan to the city of Cottonwood in Idaho County, Idaho. 

The funding will be used to expand the current reuse system, construct new headworks, and upgrade the existing lagoon. 

DEQ is authorized by state law to make loans to assist in the construction of public wastewater systems. Since the annual cost of residential wastewater services exceeds 1.5% of the median household income, the city of Cottonwood qualifies for a disadvantaged loan, which carries favorable repayment terms. 

The loan from DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund, which is capitalized annually by grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, carries a simple 1.75% interest rate, is payable over 30 years, and has a $2,913,696 principal forgiveness. The favorable loan terms represent a $4,425,615 savings to the community when compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances. 

DEQ seeks applications for fiscal year 2025 State Agricultural Best Management Practices Grant Program 

March 15, 2024

Contact:  Bonnie Yoshizaki, Nonpoint Source Coordinator, 

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting applications for the fiscal year 2025 State Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMP) Grant Program. 

The grant program is designed to support water quality improvement efforts statewide, including helping landowners modify their agricultural practices to reduce water pollution and meet the objectives of total maximum daily load requirements. Eligible projects must address agricultural or ranching BMPs and be ready to implement. Projects must also involve multiple partners and leverage other funding resources. 

Application Process 

DEQ transitioned to a new online grant management system known as AmpliFund. All interested applicants will need to create an account and submit a completed application using the new system. Resources and instructions can be found on DEQ’s Grant Funding Resources web page and Nonpoint Source Subgrants in Idaho web page under the header “Important Dates and Other Information.”  

DEQ is accepting applications from March 15 to April 15, 2024. 

DEQ seeks comment on proposed settlement action with Tandem Fish Farm LLC

March 11, 2024

Contact: Troy Smith, IPDES Bureau Chief,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) seeks comment on a proposed settlement action with Tandem Fish Farm LLC.

On August 24, 2023, DEQ filed a default judgment in Owyhee County against the Tandem Fish Farm LLC for violations of the Clean Water Act at their facility in Bruneau, Idaho, which discharged wastewater pollutants into Jack’s Creek, a tributary of the Bruneau River.

The default judgment alleges violations of the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) permit issued by DEQ under the Clean Water Act, as well as Idaho Code § 39-175, et seq. and the “Rules Regulating the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program” (IDAPA 58.01.25). As part of the default judgment, DEQ is seeking an injunction requiring compliance with the Idaho Aquaculture Permit and effluent and monitoring and reporting requirements found therein, as well as an order granting statutory penalties against Tandem Fish Farm LLC.

In compliance with Idaho Code 39-108(9) and IDAPA, DEQ is seeking public comment on the proposed settlement to the default judgment. The proposed settlement levies a penalty of $45,250 for violations related to the default judgment.

The proposed settlement is available for review at DEQ’s State Office (1410 N. Hilton Street, Boise Idaho) and on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities web page. Written comments on the proposed settlement will be accepted through April 11, 2024, at 5:00 pm MDT. This proposed settlement may be amended or adjusted in the future, in which case, DEQ may provide additional public comment opportunity.

Submit comments electronically on DEQ’s website or by mail or email:

Troy Smith
1410 N. Hilton St.
Boise, ID 83706

DEQ seeks members for the Clearwater Basin Advisory Group 

February 21, 2024 

Contact: Sujata Connell, Water Quality Manager, Sujata.Connell@deq.idaho.deq

LEWISTON— The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking representatives to fill a vacancy on the Clearwater Basin Advisory Group (BAG). 

The vacancy is for local government representation. 

The Clearwater BAG is comprised of citizens, appointed by DEQ’s director, that represent stakeholder groups from Latah, Nez Perce, Clearwater, Idaho, and Lewis Counties. The BAG advises DEQ on water quality objectives within Idaho’s Clearwater Basin and represents industries and interests directly affected by water quality programs within the basin. 

The BAG meets at least twice yearly to advise DEQ on the following matters: 

  • Priorities within the basin 
  • Revisions needed in the designated beneficial uses for water bodies within the basins 
  • Categories to which water bodies in the basin should be assigned 
  • Processes for developing and implementing total maximum daily loads 
  • Members to be appointed to watershed advisory groups 
  • Water quality nonpoint source pollutant reduction priorities throughout the region 

Members must have a demonstrated interest or expertise that will benefit the work of the group. Anyone interested in serving on the BAG as a representative of a local government should contact Sujata Connell at (208) 799-4370 or by 5 pm on April 12, 2024. 

DEQ seeks comment on notice of intent to terminate coverage under IPDES MSGP permit for McKinley Mine

February 15, 2024

Contact: Kerry Neil, Wastewater Permits Bureau Chief,

IDAHO COUNTY – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) seeks comment on a notice of intent to terminate the coverage of McKinley Mine (IDR05J00C) under the 2021 Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (IDR050000) (MSGP).

The facility is located approximately 10 miles north of Riggins in Idaho County, Idaho. Ivan Kobayashi, president of Shinichi Murayama, submitted a notice of intent for coverage for the McKinley Mine property for activities under Sector G2 – Iron Ores; Copper Ores; Lead and Zinc Ores; Gold and Silver Ores; Ferroalloy Ores, Except Vanadium; Metal Mining Services; Miscellaneous Metal Ores on May 21, 2021. Coverage was issued and effective on June 17, 2021.

DEQ was notified on January 2, 2023, that the property was no longer owned or operated by Shinichi Murayama. After the death of the facility owner and president, the real property associated with the McKinley Mine was subject to foreclosure hearings in the Second Judicial District Court in Idaho County. A copy of judgement was filed in the court on February 1, 2023, which released the real property to sheriff sale. In accordance with the “Rules Regulating the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program” (IDAPA, DEQ is providing notice of intent to terminate MSGP coverage for McKinley Mine (IDR05J00C) issued to Shinichi Murayama due to the failure to modify the notice of intent within 30 days of applicable changes, and to submit a notice of termination or documentation of transfer in accordance with the MSGP.

Written comments on the notice of termination will be accepted through March 16, 2024 at 5:00 p.m., MST. A public meeting may be held, if requested in writing, by February 29, 2024. Comments should address water quality considerations and include supporting materials where available. Comments should also reference the McKinley Mine and permit number (IDR05J00C).

Comments, requests, and questions regarding this process should be directed to Kerry Neil electronically on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities page or by mail or email:

Kerry Neil
Surface and Wastewater Division
1410 N. Hilton St.
Boise, ID  83706

DEQ awards nearly $270,000 to four drinking water and wastewater systems across Idaho 

February 2, 2024

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $267,500 to four drinking water and wastewater systems to help the facilities evaluate system deficiencies and determine necessary upgrades. The funding was made available through Governor Brad Little’s Leading Idaho initiative.  

“Families, farmers, ranchers, and all Idaho residents rely on clean, efficient water and wastewater systems. These systems are not only a crucial part of our way of life, but our economy as well. Funding for these projects from my Leading Idaho plan aims to ensure that Idaho residents – especially those in our rural communities – can depend on our water and wastewater infrastructure for generations to come,” said Idaho Governor Brad Little. 

City of Horseshoe Bend – The city of Horseshoe Bend in Boise County was awarded $25,000 to prepare a drinking water planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $50,000, and the remaining $25,000 will be funded by the city. 

City of Marsing – The city of Marsing in Owyhee County was awarded $40,000 to prepare a wastewater planning study to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $80,000, and the remaining $40,000 will be funded by the city. 

City of Nampa – The city of Nampa in Canyon County was awarded $162,500 to prepare a wastewater planning study to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $325,000, and the remaining $162,500 will be funded by the city. 

City of Tetonia – The city of Tetonia in Teton County was awarded $40,000 to prepare a drinking water planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $80,000, and the remaining $40,000 will be funded by the city. 


DEQ’s Planning Grant Program provides assistance to eligible wastewater and drinking water systems. These grants are used to develop engineering reports identifying the most cost-effective, environmentally sound method of upgrading a system to achieve and maintain compliance with state and federal standards. Grants cover up to 50% of eligible planning costs, with the remaining cost is the grant recipient’s responsibility. 

For more information about DEQ’s Planning Grant Program and to learn more about this year’s grant recipients, go to DEQ’s Facility Planning Grants page. 

DEQ seeks comment on proposed settlement action with the city of Parma

February 1, 2024

Contact: Troy Smith, IPDES Bureau Chief,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) seeks comment on a proposed settlement action with the city of Parma.

On April 6, 2023, DEQ filed a complaint in Canyon County against the city of Parma for violations of the Clean Water Act at the city’s Publicly Owned Treatment Works in Parma, Idaho, which discharges municipal wastewater into Sand Hollow Creek, a tributary of the Snake River.

The complaint alleges discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States, in violation of the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) permit issued by DEQ under the Clean Water Act, as well as Idaho Code § 39-175, et seq. and the “Rules Regulating the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program” (IDAPA 58.01.25). As part of the complaint, DEQ is seeking an injunction requiring the city to comply with all permit terms and conditions therein and assess against the statutory penalties.

In compliance with Idaho Code 39-108(9) and IDAPA, DEQ is seeking public comment on the proposed settlement to the complaints. The proposed settlement directs the city of Parma to achieve compliance with the final effluent limits for phosphorus, while also ensuring that biological oxygen demand, total suspended solids, and total residual chlorine achieve compliance with specified effluent limits under the compliance schedule. The proposed settlement also directs the city to update and submit a quality assurance plan and quarterly report to DEQ. A penalty of $66,900 is being levied for violations related to this complaint, with $267,600 being administered as stipulated penalties.

The proposed settlement is available for review at DEQ’s State Office (1410 North Hilton Street, Boise, Idaho) and on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities page. Written comments on the proposed settlement will be accepted through March 2, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. MDT. This proposed settlement may be amended or adjusted in the future, in which case, DEQ may provide additional public comment opportunity.

Submit comments electronically on DEQ’s website or by mail or email:

Troy Smith
1410 N. Hilton St.
Boise, ID 83706

DEQ awards nearly $6.5 million to Letha Water and Sewer District in Gem County 

January 16, 2024

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief, 

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $6,336,194 construction grant to Letha Water and Sewer District in Gem County, Idaho. 

This construction project is made possible through Governor Brad Little’s Leading Idaho initiative, which directed funds to DEQ in 2023.  

“Water is our most valuable resource, and we absolutely must keep up the infrastructure to ensure water is clean and plentiful for this generation and future ones. That is why we made historic investments in water quality and quantity this year as part of my ‘Leading Idaho’ plan,” Governor Little said. “These investments also could keep your property taxes low. Property taxes are determined locally but the investments we made in water and other infrastructure needs at the state level help relieve the burden on local government to cover costs of projects, improving the chances property owners won’t be burdened with the costs,” said Governor Little. 

This funding will be used to construct new lagoons, rehabilitate the primary lift station, extend the force main, and add fencing.  


In 2023, the State of Idaho approved plans to roll out $115 million in water and wastewater infrastructure project funding, benefiting communities across Idaho through DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund program. This program provides low-interest loans and grants to qualified recipients to improve their drinking water and wastewater facilities. The criteria and list to expend the Leading Idaho funds are listed at 

This construction grant represents an estimated $10,272,093 savings to the community compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances.  

For more information about DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund Program and to learn more about this year’s funding recipients, go to DEQ’s Construction Loans page. 

DEQ awards nearly $280,000 to seven drinking water and wastewater systems across Idaho 

January 12, 2024

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,  

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of $279,580 to seven drinking water and wastewater systems to help the facilities evaluate system deficiencies and determine necessary upgrades. The funding is made possible through Governor Brad Little’s Leading Idaho plan.  

“Families, farmers, ranchers, and all Idaho residents rely on clean, efficient water and wastewater systems. These systems are not only a crucial part of our way of life, but our economy as well. Funding for these projects from my Leading Idaho plan aims to ensure that Idaho residents – especially those in our rural communities – can depend on our water and wastewater infrastructure for generations to come,” said Idaho Governor Brad Little. 

City of Greenleaf – The city of Greenleaf in Canyon County was awarded $25,000 to prepare a drinking water planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $50,000, and the remaining $25,000 will be funded by the city. 

City of Hazelton – The city of Hazelton in Jerome County was awarded $17,450 to prepare a wastewater planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $34,900, and the remaining $17,450 will be funded by the city.  

City of Jerome – The city of Jerome in Jerome County was awarded $99,880 to prepare a drinking water planning study to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $199,760, and the remaining $99,880 will be funded by the city.  

Kootenai-Ponderay Sewer District – Kootenai-Ponderay Sewer District in Bonner County was awarded $29,750 to prepare a wastewater planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $59,500, and the remaining $29,750 will be funded by the district.   

City of Richfield – The city of Richfield in Lincoln County was awarded $47,500 to prepare a wastewater planning study to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $95,000, and the remaining $47,500 will be funded by the city. 

Skin Creek Water Association – Skin Creek Water Association in Boundary County was awarded $30,000 to prepare a drinking water planning study to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $60,000, and the remaining $30,000 will be funded by the Association. 

West Side School District – West Side School District in Franklin County was awarded $30,000 to prepare a wastewater planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $60,000, and the remaining $30,000 will be funded by the district. 


DEQ’s Planning Grant Program provides assistance to eligible wastewater and drinking water systems. These grants are used to develop engineering reports identifying the most cost-effective, environmentally sound method of upgrading a system to achieve and maintain compliance with state and federal standards. Grants cover up to 50% of eligible planning costs, with the remaining cost is the grant recipient’s responsibility. 

For more information about DEQ’s Planning Grant Program and to learn more about this year’s grant recipients, go to DEQ’s Facility Planning Grants page. 

DEQ lifts boil water advisory for Aspen Ridge Subdivision  

December 19, 2023 

Contact: Kelsey Carter, Drinking Water Analyst, kelsey.carter@deq,

ISLAND PARK – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today lifted the boil water advisory for the Aspen Ridge Subdivision in Fremont County, Idaho. 

The advisory had been in place since April 7, 2023. 

Big Springs Water Company, the entity currently responsible for managing the public water systems, collected water quality samples in December 2023 and the results came back absent of total coliform and E. coli bacteria. Chlorine has also not been detected in the public water system.  

In addition to sampling the system, Big Springs Water Company completed the following repairs: 

  • Properly vented both wells to include 24 mesh screens 
  • Replaced and secured well caps to prevent surface water and contaminants from entering the well 
  • Repaired the west well vault pump to prevent leaks 
  • Repaired all known main line breaks and leaks 
  • Installed adequate backflow prevention on all threaded taps  
  • Protected the pump house from unauthorized entry  
  • Maintained a minimum system pressure of 40 psi during maximum hourly demand  
  • Installed adequate heating in the pump house 
  • Removed excess moisture and standing water in the west pump vault  
  • Collected representative samples of the distribution system 

Aspen Ridge Subdivision is one of seven subdivisions formerly managed by Island Park Water Company (not the city of Island Park). Each of the systems have been under boil advisories or orders due to the presence of E. coli bacteria, though DEQ has lifted advisories for Aspen Ridge, Shotgun North and Shotgun South Stevens Lane. 

DEQ seeks representatives for Wood River Watershed Advisory Group

December 11, 2023

Contact: Tasha Owen, Water Quality Analyst 3/319 Coordinator,

TWIN FALLS – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking representatives to serve on the Wood River Watershed Advisory Group (WAG).

The Wood River WAG is a group of citizens from a diverse set of interests dedicated to successful restoration and protection of the Big Wood River, Little Wood River, and Camas Creek watersheds. These watersheds cover Blaine, Camas, Gooding, and Lincoln counties, from which the WAG seeks to have representation.

The WAG is currently seeking representatives from the following interest areas:

– Logging, timber, small business, industry, or hydropower
– Flood control
– Municipalities, land planning, or local government

The group meets quarterly, and members are asked to serve at least two-year terms. Responsibilities include working with DEQ on the following deliverables:

– Developing water quality improvement plans known as total maximum daily loads for streams, lakes, and rivers with degraded water quality conditions within the watershed.
– Helping identify contributing pollution sources in the watershed.
– Recommending specific actions needed to effectively control sources of pollution to the water bodies.
– Helping develop and implement a plan to meet water quality targets identified in the TMDLs.

Anyone interested in serving on the WAG as a representative of the above interest groups should contact Tasha Owen at (208) 736-2190 or by April 30, 2024, at 5 p.m. MDT. The next WAG meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 5, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. MDT at the Wood River Canal Company (409 N Apple Street, Shoshone, Idaho). Anyone interested in joining the WAG is encouraged to attend.

DEQ awards nearly $332,000 to nine drinking water and wastewater systems across Idaho 

December 4, 2023

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief, 

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of $331,741 to nine drinking water and wastewater systems to help the facilities evaluate system deficiencies and determine necessary upgrades. The funding was made available under Governor Brad Little’s “Leading Idaho” plan.  

“Families, farmers, ranchers, and all Idaho residents rely on clean, efficient water and wastewater systems. These systems are not only a crucial part of our way of life, but our economy as well. Funding for these projects from my Leading Idaho plan aims to ensure that Idaho residents – especially those in our rural communities – can depend on our water and wastewater infrastructure for generations to come,” said Idaho Governor Brad Little. 

City of Buhl – The city of Buhl in Twin Falls County was awarded $83,000 to prepare a drinking water planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $166,000, and the remaining $83,000 will be funded by the city. 

City of Filer – The city of Filer in Twin Falls County was awarded $58,365 to prepare a wastewater planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $116,730, and the remaining $58,365 will be funded by the city. 

City of Franklin – The city of Franklin in Franklin County was awarded $30,000 to prepare a wastewater planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. The total project is $60,000 and the remaining $30,000 will be funded by the city.  

City of Iona – The city of Iona in Bonneville County was awarded $30,000 to prepare a drinking water planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $60,000, and the remaining $30,000 will be funded by the city. 

King Hill Domestic Water and Sewer Association – King Hill Domestic Water and Sewer Association in Elmore County was awarded $22,776 to prepare a drinking water planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $45,552, and the remaining $22,776 will be funded by King Hill Domestic Water and Sewer Association.  

Meadow Creek Property Owners Association – Meadow Creek Property Owners Association in Adams County was awarded $30,000 to prepare a drinking water planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $60,000, and the remaining $30,000 will be funded by Meadow Creek Property Owners Association.  

City of Spirit Lake – The city of Spirit Lake in Kootenai County was awarded $37,500 to prepare a wastewater planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $75,000, and the remaining $37,500 will be funded by the city.  

Trow Creek Water Association – Trow Creek Water Association in Boundary County was awarded $17,500 to prepare a drinking water planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $35,000, and the remaining $17,500 will be funded by Trow Creek Water Association. 

Woodland Shores Water and Sewer Association – Woodland Shores Water and Sewer Association in Kootenai County was awarded $22,600 to prepare a drinking water planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $45,200, and the remaining $22,600 will be funded by Woodland Shores Water and Sewer Association. 


DEQ’s Planning Grant Program provides assistance to eligible wastewater and drinking water systems. These grants are used to develop engineering reports identifying the most cost-effective, environmentally sound method of upgrading a system to achieve and maintain compliance with state and federal standards. Grants cover up to 50% of eligible planning costs, with the remaining cost is the grant recipient’s responsibility. 

For more information about DEQ’s Planning Grant Program and to learn more about this year’s grant recipients, go to DEQ’s Facility Planning Grants page. 

DEQ releases 2023 Triennial Review of Idaho Water Quality Standards

November 21, 2023

Contact: India Southern, Water Quality Standards Analyst,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) released the 2023 Triennial Review of Idaho Water Quality Standards.

Under the Clean Water Act § 303(c) and federal regulation 40 CFR 131.20, the plan must review, update, or modify Idaho’s water quality standards every three years. As part of this 2023 triennial review process, DEQ reviewed current and past priorities and published white papers outlining our priorities.

On September 29, 2023, DEQ held a public meeting in person and virtually, requesting verbal and written feedback from stakeholders regarding these priorities. View the final report and public comments on our website.

Contact our office with questions or concerns.

DEQ lifts boil water advisories for two Island Park subdivisions 

November 14, 2023 

Contact: Kelsey Carter, Drinking Water Analyst, 

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today lifted boil water advisories at two subdivisions in Island Park, Idaho. 

The advisories, which have been in place since May 5, 2023, were lifted for Shotgun North subdivision and Shotgun South Stevens Lane subdivision.  

“DEQ would like to thank the impacted residents for their patience while this unprecedented issue is being addressed,” said Director Jess Byrne. “We will continue to work closely with the community and our court-appointed receiver to protect public health and deliver safe drinking water.” 

Big Springs Water Company, the entity currently responsible for managing the public water systems, collected water quality samples in October and November 2023 and the last ten sample results have come back absent of total coliform. Big Springs Water Company has also completed the following system repairs at Shotgun North and Shotgun South Stevens Lane:  

  • Installing adequate backflow prevention 
  • Repairing leaking main lines 
  • Protecting the pump houses from unauthorized entry 
  • Maintaining a minimum system pressure of 40 pounds per square inch during maximum hourly demand conditions  
  • Installing adequate heating in the pump houses 
  • Implementing an extensive flushing program  
  • Collecting compliance samples representing the entire distribution system within each subdivision 

The two subdivisions were formerly managed by Island Park Water Company (not the city of Island Park), which operated a total of seven public drinking water systems in the area. Each of the systems have been under boil advisories or orders due to the presence of E. coli bacteria.

On July 7, 2023, DEQ filed a civil complaint against Island Park Water Company for a series of deficiencies, including failing to correct significant health hazards, provide accurate and timely public notification, address low or lack of pressure, take required drinking water samples, and identify a responsible charge operator. On July 25, 2023, Island Park Water Company agreed to a court-appointed custodian —also known as a receivership—and on September 18, 2023, Big Spring Water Company was appointed as the receiver.  

Big Springs Water Company now manages the day-to-day operation of the seven systems and is responsible for conducting routine compliance sampling, issuing public notifications, resolving complaints, and completing other operational and administrative duties. The company will also work to transfer ownership of the seven public water systems to an entity for long-term operations. 

DEQ to host Basin Advisory Group Chair meeting for FY2024 nonpoint source project evaluation

November 9, 2023

CONTACT: Bonnie Yoshizaki, Nonpoint Source Coordinator,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality is hosting a Basin Advisory Group Chair meeting to evaluate nonpoint source projects that are eligible for federal funding.

The meeting will be held in person on November 14, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the DEQ State Office in Boise, Idaho. The public is encouraged to attend. See DEQ’s Events page for more information.

The funding is made available through Section § 319 of the Clean Water Act, which established a grant program under which states, territories, and tribes may receive funds to support a wide variety of nonpoint source pollution management activities. The Basin Advisory Group Chairs, which represent the six Basin Advisory Groups statewide, are responsible for prioritizing nonpoint source project submissions for the upcoming fiscal year.

Nonpoint source pollution includes runoff from roadways, yards, construction sites, septic systems, and other sources, and is a significant concern for Idaho’s waterways. DEQ’s Nonpoint Source Management Program aims to prevent and eliminate pollution from nonpoint sources by implementing water quality improvement projects, which are designed to protect and restore beneficial uses (such as swimming and fishing) and prevent further water quality degradation.

DEQ awards nearly $21 million to the city of Cottonwood

November 3, 2023

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief, 

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $20,213,144 construction grant to the city of Cottonwood in Idaho County. 

This funding, made possible through Governor Little’s Leading Idaho initiative, will be used to expand the city’s current reuse system, construct new headworks, and complete lagoon upgrades. 

“Water is our most valuable resource, and we absolutely must keep up the infrastructure to ensure water is clean and plentiful for this generation and future ones. That is why we made historic investments in water quality and quantity this year as part of my ‘Leading Idaho’ plan,” Governor Little said. “These investments also could keep your property taxes low. Property taxes are determined locally but the investments we made in water and other infrastructure needs at the state level help relieve the burden on local government to cover costs of projects, improving the chances property owners won’t be burdened with the costs,” said Governor Little. 


In 2023, the State of Idaho approved plans to roll out $115 million in water and wastewater infrastructure project funding, benefiting communities across Idaho through DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund program. This program provides low-interest loans and grants to qualified recipients to improve their drinking water and wastewater facilities. The criteria and list to expend the Leading Idaho funds are listed here. This construction grant represents an estimated $35,398,143 savings to the community compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances.  

For more information about DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund Program and to learn more about this year’s funding recipients, go to DEQ’s Construction Loans page. 

DEQ awards nearly $65,000 to two drinking water and wastewater systems 

November 2, 2023

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief, 

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of $62,750 to two drinking water and wastewater systems to help the facilities evaluate system deficiencies and determine necessary upgrades. This funding was made available through Governor Brad Little’s Leading Idaho plan.  

City of Carey – The city of Carey in Blaine County was awarded $24,000 to prepare a wastewater planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $48,000, and the remaining $24,000 will be funded by the city.

City of Donnelly – The city of Donnelly in Valley County was awarded $38,750 to prepare a drinking water planning study and environmental review to evaluate the current drinking water system and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $77,500, and the remaining $38,750 will be funded by the city.


DEQ’s Planning Grant Program provides assistance to eligible wastewater and drinking water systems. These grants are used to develop engineering reports identifying the most cost-effective, environmentally sound method of upgrading a system to achieve and maintain compliance with state and federal standards. Grants cover up to 50% of eligible planning costs, with the remaining cost is the grant recipient’s responsibility. 

For more information about DEQ’s Planning Grant Program and to learn more about this year’s grant recipients, go to DEQ’s Facility Planning Grants page. 

DEQ releases 2024 Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program Permit Issuance Plan 

October 27, 2023

Contact: Kerry Neil, Wastewater Permits Bureau Chief,

The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today released the 2024 Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program (IPDES) Permit Issuance Plan.

The plan provides the regulated community, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other state, federal, tribal, and interested entities with information on permits being worked on for the next two years. It also prioritizes the facilities with pending permit applications and/or administratively continued permits under the IPDES Program.

DEQ assumed delegated authority for municipal, nonmunicipal, general, and stormwater permits on July 1, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, respectively. With this change in authority, all permits for discharges into waters of the United States in Idaho not on tribal land are issued by DEQ, in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement between DEQ and EPA.

DEQ awards nearly $1.6 million to Panorama Hills Water Company in Bonneville County 

October 19, 2023

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $1,588,500 low-interest drinking water construction loan to Panorama Hills Water Company in Bonneville County, Idaho. 

The funding will be used to improve underground piping and the facility’s well house.  

DEQ is authorized by state law to make loans to assist in the construction of public drinking water or systems. Since the annual cost of drinking water service for residential customers exceeds one and one-half percent of the median household income, Panorama Hills Water Company qualifies for a disadvantaged loan, which carries favorable repayment terms. 

The loan from DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund, which is capitalized annually by grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, carries a simple 1.75% interest rate, is payable over 30 years, and has $888,500 in principal forgiveness. This represents $1,829,182 in savings to the community when compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances. 

DEQ prepares IPDES preliminary draft permit for Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board

October 16, 2023

Contact: Matt Stutzman, IPDES Permit Writer,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is releasing an Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) preliminary draft permit to the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board for preliminary review.

The facility has ten days to review the preliminary draft permit and fact sheet for any errors and omissions that should be addressed before the public participation period.

After the preliminary draft period has concluded, DEQ will revise the preliminary draft permit as needed, at which point it will soon become a draft permit for public review and comment. DEQ will formally notify all necessary parties that the draft permit, fact sheet, and associated application have been posted on DEQ’s website for public review and comment, per the “Rules Regulating the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program” (IDAPA To be notified of the forthcoming posting, go to the DEQ’s Newsroom page, enter an email address, and click the subscribe link.

DEQ prepares IPDES preliminary draft permit for city of Coeur d’ Alene

October 16, 2023

Contact: Matt Stutzman, IPDES Permit Writer,

The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is releasing an Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) preliminary draft permit to the city of Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, for preliminary review.

The facility has ten days to review the preliminary draft permit and fact sheet for any errors and omissions that should be addressed before the public participation period.

After the preliminary draft period has concluded, DEQ will revise the preliminary draft permit as needed, at which point it will become a draft permit for public review and comment. DEQ will formally notify all necessary parties that the draft permit, fact sheet, and associated application have been posted on DEQ’s website for public review and comment, per the “Rules Regulating the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program” (IDAPA To be notified of the forthcoming posting, go to the DEQ’s Newsroom page, enter an email address, and click the subscribe link.

DEQ announces drinking water and wastewater funding opportunities for fiscal year 2025 

October 10, 2023 

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief, 

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is announcing fiscal year 2025 funding opportunities for Idaho’s drinking water and wastewater systems. 

Funding will be used to assist eligible public drinking water and wastewater systems with facility planning projects and help entities build or repair existing public drinking water systems and wastewater treatment facilities. Eligible drinking water applicants include all community public water systems and nonprofit noncommunity systems. Eligible wastewater applicants include governmental entities and nonprofit corporations.

Funding Availability 

DEQ has several funding opportunities available.  

State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loans 

SRF loans provide low-interest funding for up to 100% of design and construction costs for drinking water and wastewater facilities. SRF loans also offer below-market interest rates with average rates under 2%. 

Planning Grants 

Planning grants are available to help systems cover the cost of preparing facility planning documents and environmental reviews. These grants cover 50% of eligible costs. 

Supplemental Funding

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law included funding for emerging contaminants and drinking water lead service lines. Additionally, there is funding for a sewer overflow and stormwater planning grant.

Application Process and Deadline 

For each funding opportunity, submit a letter of interest—also known as an LOI—detailing the need for funding to LOI forms are available on DEQ’s Grants and Loans web page. Completed LOIs are due by January 12, 2024. DEQ will evaluate, rate, and rank responses for inclusion on the annual priority lists. LOI forms that receive the highest ratings will then be invited to submit grant or loan applications.  

Training Opportunities 

DEQ will host a training opportunity to assist with the application process and give an update for the fiscal year 2025 funding outlook. Attendance is free but pre-registration is required. The virtual workshop is scheduled for November 7, 2023, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. MDT. Register here

DEQ finds Agropur, Inc. in significant noncompliance of Clean Water Act

October 6, 2023

Contact: Terry Alber, Biosolids and Pretreatment Analyst,

The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is issuing a public notification after finding Agropur, Inc. in Significant Noncompliance status for violations of the federal Clean Water Act.

DEQ issued Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IDPES) Indirect Discharge Permit IDP000009 to Agropur, Inc., which was in effect from April 14, 2019, through March 16, 2022. The permit was issued to control the amount and type of pollutants discharged to the city of Jerome’s wastewater treatment plant. On December 5, 2021, Agropur, Inc. discharged approximately 9,000 gallons of discolored industrial wastewater to the city’s sewer system, which interfered with the treatment plant’s ultraviolet disinfection system and caused the city to violate its IPDES permit.

In response, DEQ issued a notice of violation to Agropur, Inc. On September 1, 2023, the company entered into a consent order with DEQ and paid fines totaling $29,605. This violation meets the criteria for Significant Noncompliance, per 40 CFR 403.8(f)(2)(viii)(C), which requires public notification.

DEQ awards nearly $40,000 to Meadow Creek Property Owners Association in Adams County

October 3, 2023

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey, Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced the award of a $40,000 wastewater planning grant to Meadow Creek Property Owners Association located in Adams County, Idaho, as part of Governor Brad Little’s “Leading Idaho” plan.

The funding will be used to prepare a wastewater planning study to evaluate the current wastewater system, prepare an environmental review, and identify needed improvements. The total project cost is $80,000, and the remaining $40,000 will be funded by Meadow Creek Property Owners Association.


DEQ’s Planning Grants Program provides assistance to eligible wastewater and drinking water systems. These grants are used to develop engineering reports identifying the most cost-effective, environmentally sound method of upgrading a system to achieve and maintain compliance with state and federal standards. Grants cover up to 50% of eligible planning costs, with the remaining balance covered by the recipient.

For more information about DEQ’s Planning Grants Program and to learn more about this year’s recipients, go to DEQ’s Facility Planning Grants page.

DEQ finalizes completeness review of cyanidation permit application for Perpetua Resources Idaho, Inc. 

September 29, 2023 

Contact: Dana Swift, Remediation Bureau Chief, 

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has reviewed for completeness an application from Perpetua Resources Idaho, Inc. for a permit to construct, operate, and close a cyanidation facility intended to contain, treat, or dispose of process water or process-contaminated water containing cyanide.  

In accordance with the “Rules for Ore Processing by Cyanidation” (IDAPA 58.01.13), Perpetua Resources is requesting a permit to operate a cyanidation facility as part of the Stibnite Gold Project (SGP), a proposed gold mine located in Valley County, approximately 12 miles east of Yellow Pine, Idaho. The SGP is located on private and public lands within the Boise and Payette National Forests. Perpetua has 29,827 acres of mining claims comprised of both unpatented (28,477 acres) and patented (1,350 acres) claims. The SGP is also located within the historical Stibnite Mining District, an area characterized by previous mining activities including legacy mining features such as underground mine workings, rock dumps, tailings deposits, and open pits, most notably the Yellow Pine Pit. 

During the 30-day completeness review, DEQ identified information missing in the application, which is required by rule. DEQ determined that the application is incomplete and has issued a written notice to Perpetua Resources and included a list of specific deficiencies and required information.

The completeness review and the cyanide permit application are available for review on DEQ’s website or at DEQ’s Boise Regional Office (1445 N. Orchard, Boise, Idaho). Currently, DEQ is not accepting public comments on the permit application or completeness review.

Upon receipt of an updated application, DEQ will again conduct a completeness review. If the application is deemed complete, DEQ will review the application for accuracy and protectiveness and either reject the application or issue a draft permit within 90 days of receiving the application. DEQ will issue public notice if the permit application is rejected. 

If DEQ prepares a draft permit, a public comment period of 60 days will begin on the date of the public notice of the draft permit. Within 30 days of the public notice for draft permit, a public meeting will be held and the public will have the opportunity to submit comments. DEQ will address public comments submitted in its Response to Public Comments. All comments must be submitted in writing during the public comment period.

For more information, contact the following: 

Perpetua Resources Idaho, Inc. 

Alan Haslam 
Vice President – Permitting 
405 S 8th St. Suite 201 
Boise, ID 83702 

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality 

Dana Swift 
Remediation Bureau Chief 
1410 N. Hilton St. 
Boise, ID 83706 

Related Documents 

DEQ completeness review
Cyanide permit application

DEQ preparing draft 401 water quality certification for American Falls Hydroelectric Project 

September 18, 2023

Contact: Matt Schenk, Pocatello Surface Water Quality Analyst,

POCATELLO – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is preparing a draft 401 water quality certification for the American Falls Hydroelectric Project – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Docket No. P-2736. 

The existing facility, located on the Snake River in Power County, Idaho, is filing for relicense. The current FERC license for the project was issued on March 31, 1975, (effective March 1, 1975) and expires on February 28, 2025.

DEQ received a request on September 12, 2023, to certify that the American Falls Hydroelectric Project complies with state water quality standards. Under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, the project must be certified by the state within one year of receipt of the request before it can be licensed by FERC. DEQ has until September 12, 2024, to certify the project. 

DEQ anticipates preparing a draft certification and will seek public comment once the draft is completed. To be notified of upcoming public comment opportunities, subscribe to DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities page. 

Big Springs Water Company, LLC Appointed as Receiver of Island Park Water Company, Inc.

September 18, 2023

Contact: Tyler Fortunati, Drinking Water Bureau Chief,, (208) 373-0140

BOISE – On September 15, 2023, the Bonneville County District Court issued an order appointing Big Springs Water Company, LLC (Big Springs) to serve as the receiver of Island Park Water Company, Inc. (IPWC).

During the receivership, Big Springs will remain under the oversight of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Public Utilities Commission, and the court.

Big Springs will be responsible for dissolving the IPWC and ensuring IPWC’s seven public drinking water systems are operating properly. Big Springs is also required to notify all known customers of the court order within seven days. The existing systems include:

  • Valley View Subdivision
  • Aspen Ridge Subdivision
  • Shotgun North
  • Shotgun Cherokee Subdivision 5
  • Shotgun Kickapoo Subdivision 6
  • Shotgun South Stevens Lane; and
  • Goose Bay Estates

Big Springs will be responsible for managing the day-to-day operation of the systems. This includes routine compliance sampling, operation and maintenance, issuing public notifications, resolving complaints, and other operational and administrative duties. Additionally, Big Springs will work to address the systems’ health hazards, including:

  • Placing the systems under the control of a properly licensed operator.
  • Taking required samples at all systems.
  • Providing required public notice to the systems’ customers/water users.
  • Addressing the significant deficiencies outlined in the sanitary survey reports issued by DEQ on November 16, 2022.
  • Addressing depressurizations occurring at the systems.

Big Springs will operate the systems in compliance with Public Utilities Commission rules and regulations, including:

  • Delivering safe and reliable water service to customers.
  • Responding to audit and discovery requests put forward by commission staff.
  • Filing necessary reports and following the chart of accounts where necessary.
  • Responding to formal and informal complaints.

Big Springs will also work to transfer ownership of the systems to an entity for long-term operations. There will be no service disruption for water users as a result of the receivership or transfer.

Customers can contact Big Springs at:

707 S Railroad Ave.
Sugar City, ID 83448
(208) 483-1973

DEQ conducts completeness review for cyanidation permit application for Perpetua Resources Idaho, Inc. 

September 1, 2023

Contact: Dana Swift, Remediation Bureau Chief,

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) received an application from Perpetua Resources Idaho, Inc. for a permit to construct, operate, and close a cyanidation facility intended to contain, treat, or dispose of process water or process-contaminated water containing cyanide.  

In accordance with the “Rules for Ore Processing by Cyanidation” (IDAPA 58.01.13), Perpetua Resources is requesting a permit to operate a cyanidation facility as part of the Stibnite Gold Project (SGP), a proposed gold mine located in Valley County, approximately 12 miles east of Yellow Pine, Idaho. The SGP is located on private and public lands within the Boise and Payette National Forests. Perpetua has 29,827 acres of mining claims comprised of both unpatented (28,477 acres) and patented (1,350 acres) claims. The SGP is also located within the historical Stibnite Mining District, an area characterized by previous mining activities including legacy mining features such as underground mine workings, rock dumps, tailings deposits, and open pits, most notably the Yellow Pine Pit. 

The cyanide permit application is available for review at DEQ’s Boise Regional Office (1445 N. Orchard, Boise, Idaho) and on DEQ’s website. Currently, DEQ is not accepting public comments on the contents of the permit application.  

DEQ will perform a completeness review of the permit application within 30 days of receiving the application. If the application is deemed complete, DEQ will either reject the application or issue a draft permit within 90 days of receiving the application. DEQ will issue public notice if the complete permit application is rejected. 

If DEQ decides to prepare a draft permit, a public comment period of 60 days will begin on the date of the public notice of the draft permit. Within 30 days of the public notice for draft permit, a public meeting will be held where oral or written comments may be provided by any person. DEQ will address public comments submitted in its Response to Public Comments. All comments must be submitted in writing during the public comment period. 

For more information, contact the following: 

Perpetua Resources Idaho, Inc. 

Alan Haslam 
Vice President – Permitting 
405 S 8 St. Suite 201 
Boise, ID 83702 

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality 

Dana Swift 
Remediation Bureau Chief 
1410 N. Hilton St. 
Boise, ID 83706 

Related Documents 

Cyanide permit application

DEQ awards $60,000 to the city of White Bird

August 28, 2023

Contact: MaryAnna Peavey. Grants and Loans Bureau Chief,

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) awarded $60,000 in drinking water assistance to the city of White Bird in Idaho County.

The money will be used for emergency funding assistance for water hauling and bulk water costs.

The funds from DEQ’s State Revolving Loan Fund, which is capitalized annually by grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, provides this funding with no repayment obligation. The favorable loan terms represent a $100,454 savings to the community when compared to average costs for municipal general obligation debt issuances.

DEQ issues final point of compliance determination for Stibnite Gold Project

August 25, 2023

Contact: Lance Holloway, Surface Water Quality Manager,

BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has issued a final point of compliance (POC) determination for Stibnite Gold Project (SGP)/Perpetua Resources Idaho, Inc.

A POC is a location at which Idaho’s groundwater quality standards must be met. Mine operators are required to protect current and projected beneficial uses of groundwater and meet water quality standards.

Perpetua Resources requested that DEQ set POCs for the SGP, which is a proposed gold mine located in Valley County, approximately 12 miles east of Yellow Pine, Idaho. The SGP is located on private and public lands within the Boise and Payette National Forests. Perpetua has 29,827 acres of mining claims comprised of both unpatented (28,477 acres) and patented (1,350 acres) claims. The SGP is also located within the historical Stibnite Mining District, an area characterized by previous mining activities including legacy mining features such as underground mine workings, rock dumps, tailings deposits, and open pits, most notably the Yellow Pine Pit.

The point of compliance determination is available at DEQ’s State Office (1410 N. Hilton Street, Boise, Idaho), Boise Regional Office (1445 N. Orchard, Boise, Idaho), and on DEQ’s website.

Related Documents

Final point of compliance determination

DEQ seeking participation in groundwater monitoring program in Bliss, Idaho 

August 18, 2023

Contact: Nicholas Howell, Source Water Protection Analyst,

BLISS – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is reaching out to private well owners in Bliss, Idaho, to participate in a groundwater sampling program. 

Sampling will take place in September and October of this year and is free for well owners. 

The study will help DEQ assess groundwater quality in the area and determine the primary sources of nitrate contamination. Private well owners will receive a copy of the results along with information on how to protect the quality of their well water. 

Groundwater provides over 95% of Idaho’s drinking water and nitrate is the most common and widespread contaminant in groundwater. Long-term exposure to elevated nitrate levels can have adverse health effects, especially in infants younger than six months and individuals with underlying health conditions. 

DEQ maintains a list of degraded groundwater areas throughout the state, which are referred to as nitrate priority areas. Bliss is considered a moderate priority area with a ranking score of 12. However, DEQ needs additional data in order to help further characterize groundwater quality in the region, identify nitrate trends, and determine if current aquifer degradation is increasing or decreasing.  

To participate, contact Nicholas Howell ( or (208) 737-3870) by September 15, 2023. 

DEQ seeks nominations for Pollution Prevention Champion award 

August 17, 2023

Contact: Ben Jarvis, Pollution Prevention and Continuous Improvement Lead,

BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking nominations for the 2023 Pollution Prevention Champion award. 

This recognition celebrates organizations that reduce waste, conserve energy, minimize water use, or use non-toxic or less-toxic products. 

“The Pollution Prevention Champions award acknowledges the hard work and dedication of companies and their employees from across the state to help protect Idaho’s environment though waste reduction,” says Ben Jarvis, pollution prevention and continuous improvement Lead at DEQ. “Every year we are thrilled to learn about innovative and impactful ideas that have been implemented at these companies and look forward to sharing these stories with Idaho’s citizens and with other companies.”  

In 2022, DEQ recognized Glanbia Nutritionals in Twin Falls and Great Western Malting in Pocatello as Pollution Prevention Champions. Prior year champions have come from across the state, and DEQ takes pride in showing that pollution prevention can be practiced anywhere.  

The deadline for applying is September 1, 2023. Applicants should describe their pollution prevention and/or waste minimization efforts and identify the benefits those efforts have generated. Companies selected for recognition will be announced in conjunction with Pollution Prevention Week in Idaho, which is September 18-24, 2023.  

Companies can apply or be nominated on DEQ’s Pollution Prevention web page. Click on “Apply to be a P2 champion” under the P2 Champion tab.