Category: Uncategorized
Third Street Stormwater Volume Reduction Project

Project Sponsor
City of Coeur d’Alene
The city of Coeur d’Alene is installing a stormwater storage and filtration system to divert stormwater runoff from an existing outfall.
The Third Street outfall discharges stormwater from 240 acres of city streets and parking areas, including downtown alleys. The outfall currently releases this stormwater, untreated, by the Third Street boat launch next to McEuen Park. While all stormwater carries pollutants with it as it passes over residential yards, city parks, sidewalks, and streets, this area includes special considerations related to dumpsters, grease, food waste, cigarette butts, and other substances that tend to concentrate in downtown streets and alleys. In addition, large rainfall events have overwhelmed the capacity of this storm system in recent years, causing localized flooding.
Improved stormwater treatments will help manage this runoff and reduce pollutant loading to Coeur d’Alene Lake.
This project was awarded $190,000 from Governor Little’s Leading Idaho initiative.
This project is in the preliminary design phase.
While the funding available is not sufficient to treat stormwater from the entire drainage area currently, this project is expected to reduce phosphorus loads to Coeur d’Alene Lake by at least 35 pounds annually. As more funding is secured, the city aims to expand the treatment capacity.
DEQ prepares IPDES preliminary draft permit for the city of Post Falls
May 24, 2023
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) released an Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) preliminary draft permit to the city of Post Falls for preliminary review on May 18, 2023.
The facility has ten days to review the preliminary draft permit and fact sheet for any errors and omissions that should be addressed before the public participation period. After the preliminary draft period has concluded, DEQ will revise the preliminary draft permit as needed, at which point it will soon become a draft permit for public review and comment.
DEQ will formally notify all necessary parties that the draft permit, fact sheet, and associated application have been posted on DEQ’s website for public review and comment, per the “Rules Regulating the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program” (IDAPA To be notified of the forthcoming posting, go to the DEQ’s “Newsroom” page and click the “Subscribe” link.
Northside Stormwater Drainage Improvements (Marmot Trail Road)
Project Sponsor
East Side Highway District
The purpose of this project is to improve drainage systems along Marmot Trail Road, which includes approximately 3,600 feet of asphalt along a steep gradient. Managing erosion will reduce discharge into the north end of Coeur d’Alene Lake.
This project was awarded $14,100 from Governor Little’s Leading Idaho initiative.
This project is complete.
This project is expected to decrease phosphorus loading and sediment discharge from soil erosion that flows from stormwater into Coeur d’Alene Lake near the Silver Beach Marina.
Mica Creek Watershed Agricultural Sediment Reduction and Improvement Project (Phase 2)

Project Sponsor
Kootenai Shoshone Soil and Water Conservation District
The purpose of this project is to stabilize 1,600 feet of streambank on Mica Creek, a tributary to Coeur d’Alene Lake, by removing collapsed vegetation, armoring the banks, and replanting willows to prevent further erosion. These upgrades will help reduce sediment and phosphorus loads to Coeur d’Alene Lake. This project is expected to be completed by summer 2024.
This project was awarded $49,000 from Governor Little’s Leading Idaho initiative.
This project is complete.
This project is estimated to reduce phosphorus loads to Coeur d’Alene Lake by 50 pounds annually.