Official Government Website

DEQ seeks comment on draft 401 water quality certification for Boise City Canal Multi-Use Pathway

Accepting comments from July 17, 2024, through August 7, 2024.  

The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) seeks comment on a draft 401 water quality certification for Boise City Canal Multi-Use Pathway.

The proposed project includes construction of a twelve-foot-wide multimodal pedestrian pathway along the Boise City Canal, connecting to an existing pathway. The applicant will install 42” high guiderails along the canal, directly adjacent to the top of the bank of the south side of the Boise City Canal. The pathway will result in removal of all existing emergent and palustrine forest/shrub wetlands located in the project area, which is below 0.1 acre. Additionally, a retaining wall will be installed in the existing Boise City Canal to provide pathway width and structural support for the guiderails that would run adjacent to the pathway. Construction will occur when the canal is dry; however, dewatering is anticipated for this site. The project will employ temporary soil stabilization practices on all disturbed areas including mulching, geotextile, matting, stabilized construction egress, drop inlet protection, fiber roll and silt fence installation to minimize sedimentation into the Boise City Canal. In addition, a concrete washout installation will be maintained to collect and retain washout water and solids.  

Based upon review of the federal ​permit​ application, readily available water quality related materials, and certification request in accordance with 40 C.F.R. §§ 121.5 (b) and (c) and 121.7 (c), received on, ​6/17/2024​, DEQ, certifies that if the permittee complies with the terms and conditions imposed by the federal ​permit​ and the conditions set forth in this water quality certification, then it is reasonable for DEQ to conclude that the activity will comply with water quality requirements, including applicable requirements of the Clean Water Act §§ 301, 302, 303, 306, and 307, Idaho’s “Water Quality Standards” (IDAPA 58.01.02), and other appropriate water quality requirements of state law.  

The draft certification is available for review on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities web page. Written comments will be accepted through August 7, 2024, at 5 p.m. MT. Submit comments electronically using the form below or by mail or email to:  

Meghan Cline
1410 N. Hilton St.
Boise, ID 83703

Related Documents

Draft certification

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