Official Government Website

DEQ seeks representatives for Walcott Watershed Advisory Group 

January 24, 2025

Contact: Jake Barnes, Water Quality Analyst 

TWIN FALLS – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) seeks representatives to fill vacancies on the Walcott Watershed Advisory Group (WAG).  

The Walcott WAG is a group of citizens from a diverse set of interests dedicated to successful restoration and protection Lake Walcott, Goose Creek and Raft River watersheds. These watersheds cover Cassia, Minidoka, Power, Lincoln, Butte, Blaine, Twin Falls, and Oneida counties, from which the watershed advisory group seeks to have diverse representation.  

The WAG is currently seeking representation from the following interest areas:  

  • Dryland and Rangeland  
  • Local Governments  
  • Recreation – Public Interest 
  • Operators – Confined Livestock 

 The group meets quarterly and members are asked to serve at least two-year terms. Responsibilities include working with DEQ on the following deliverables: 

  • Developing water quality improvement plans known as total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for streams, lakes, and rivers with degraded water quality conditions within the watershed. 
  • Helping identify contributing pollution sources in the watershed. 
  • Recommending specific actions needed to effectively control sources of pollution to the water bodies. 
  • Helping develop and implement a plan to meet water quality targets identified in the TMDLs. 

  Anyone interested in serving on the WAG should contact Jake Barnes at (208) 736-2190 or by April 30, 2025, at 5 p.m. MDT.  

  The next meeting is scheduled for April 17, 2025, at 2:30 p.m. MDT at the Bureau of Reclamation – Upper Snake River Field Office (470 22nd Street Heyburn, Idaho). This meeting is open to the public.  

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