July 25, 2022
Contact: Curtis Cooper, Source Water Coordinator, Curtis.Cooper@deq.idaho.gov
BOISE — The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking grant applications for the FY23 source water protection funding cycle.
Source water protection grants provide funding for projects that protect or reduce contamination of public drinking water sources.
Eligible projects include:
- Contaminant pathway removal (e.g., closure of abandoned or unused wells)
- Contaminant source identification (e.g., research)
- Contaminant removal (e.g., hazardous waste collection, pollution prevention, and waste reduction)
- Contaminant management (e.g., implementation of best management practices or structures to divert contaminated runoff from the source)
- Restoration and conservation of the ecological function of source water protection areas
- Education and information sharing (e.g., brochures, workshops, and media campaigns)
- Security measures to protect the source
Eligible applicants include public water systems, state and local government agencies, tribes, special districts such as soil conservation districts, associations, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions in Idaho.
The maximum award per grant is $24,000. Grants cannot be used for personnel or equipment costs associated with operation and maintenance of drinking water systems.
Applications are due September 23, 2022. Electronic submissions are preferred.
For more information or to apply for a source water protection grant, visit DEQ’s Source Water Protection Grants page or contact Curtis Cooper, DEQ’s source water coordinator, at (208) 373-0249 or Curtis.Cooper@deq.idaho.gov.