Project Sponsor
Kellogg Joint School District #391
The purpose of this project is to manage stormwater at the Kellogg Joint School District #391 24-acre middle school and administrative annex campus. The project involves re-grading solid surfaces of parking lots and access roads, removing parking islands, adding bioswales, and replacing some hard surfaces with pervious pavement options.
These improvements are expected to treat up to 90% of the stormwater entering the school campus and reduce phosphorus loads into the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River. Construction will be completed during the summer of 2024.
This project was awarded $745,000 from Governor Little’s Leading Idaho initiative.
Alta Science & Engineering is preparing a bid package for summer construction. The package will be open to receive bids in March 2024.
This project is expected to reduce phosphorus loads to the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River by 41 pounds annually.