Official Government Website

Basin Advisory Groups

Basin advisory groups (BAGs) are comprised of citizens, appointed by DEQ’s director, that advise on water quality objectives within Idaho’s six basins. By statute, membership must be representative of the industries and interests directly affected by implementing water quality programs within the basin and members have a demonstrated interest or expertise that will benefit the work of the group.

BAGs are responsible for advising DEQ’s director on the following matters:

  • Priorities for monitoring within the basin
  • Revisions needed in the designated beneficial uses for water bodies within the basins
  • Categories to which water bodies in the basin should be assigned
  • Processes for developing and implementing TMDLs
  • Members to be appointed to watershed advisory groups
  • Priorities for water quality programs within the basin based on available economic resources
Idaho Basins
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The Panhandle BAG consists of 11 members appointed by the director to represent stakeholder groups from the northern five counties of Idaho. The BAG meets quarterly to advise DEQ on surface water issues throughout the region.

Meet the Members

Interest RepresentedBAG Member
Coeur d’Alene TribeScott Fields
Water-Based RecreationVacant
TimberBill Pitman, Chairman
Local GovernmentJohn Beacham, Vice Chairman
EnvironmentMolly McCahon
Kootenai TribeGenny Hoyle
LivestockRobert Rider
MiningTyson Clyne
Representative-at-LargeTim Quinn
Non-Municipal IPDESWes Green
The Salmon BAG consists of 10 members appointed by the director to represent stakeholder groups from southeastern Idaho. The BAG meets periodically to advise DEQ on surface water issues throughout the region.

Meet the Members

Interest Represented BAG Member
Agriculture Bruce Mulkey
At-large Position Theresa Hughes
Environment Betsy Rieffenberger
Local Government Vacant
Mining Will Nailon
Non-Municipal IPDES Ryan Stebbins
Recreation Stephen Pfeiffer
Tribal Hunter Osborne

The Upper Snake BAG consists of members appointed by the director to represent stakeholder groups from 19 counties of southern Idaho. The BAG meets as necessary to advise DEQ on surface water issues and prioritize water quality 319 nonpoint source projects throughout the region.

Meet the Members

Interest RepresentedBAG Member
AgricultureJason Brown
LivestockRichard Savage, Chairman
Local GovernmentGreg Shenton
MiningCarlyle Miller
Representative at LargeJosh Johnson
Shoshone-Bannock TribesHunter Osborne
Non-Municipal PermitteeVacant
RecreationJustin Hays, Vice Chairman
HydropowerJosh Schultz
ForestryLaurie Stone

The Clearwater BAG consists of 10 members appointed by the director to represent stakeholder groups from the Lewiston region.

State General Fund Agricultural BMP Program – Clearwater Basin Project Proposals

In the 2017 legislative session, a motion was made to appropriate $500,000 from the general fund to DEQ to apply statewide agricultural best management practices for fiscal year 2018. The funding will be used for high-priority Idaho watersheds and administered through DEQ’s 319 grant program. Links to the two projects proposed in the Clearwater Basin are below; contact the applicant with any project-specific questions.

Meet the Members

Interest RepresentedBAG Member
Local GovernmentKelly Frazier
AgricultureMike Crea
EnvironmentNick Gerhardt
LivestockRobert D. Schwenne
Representative at LargeVacant
Nez Perce TribeKen Clark
Non-Municipal IPDESClayton Steele, Chair
RecreationGary Bowling
ForestryKit Hart

The Southwest BAG consists of 10 members appointed by the director to represent stakeholder groups from the 10 southwestern counties of Idaho. The BAG meets quarterly to advise DEQ on surface water issues throughout the region.

Additional Information

Meet the Members

Interest RepresentedBAG Member
Representative at LargeRichard Durrant, Chairman
AgricultureRichard Durrant
EnvironmentDick Rogers
ForestryHerbert Malany
HydropowerBrian Hoelscher
MiningTim Mosko
Local GovernmentKate Harris
Nez Perce TribeKen Clark
Non-Municipal IPDESMartin Bauer
Water-Based RecreationSandra Mitchell

The Bear River BAG consists of 11 members appointed by DEQ’s director to represent stakeholder groups from four counties of southeastern Idaho. The BAG meets as necessary to advise DEQ on surface water issues throughout the region.

Bear River BAG Seeks New Members

The BAG is currently looking for livestock, forest products/timber, environment, and nonmunicipal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permittee representatives. Persons who are interested in serving on the BAG should our Pocatello Regional Office.

Meet the Members

Interest RepresentedBAG Member
AgricultureDallan Nalder, Chairman
HydropowerMark Stenberg
MiningChris Leatherman
Local GovernmentTerry Larson
Non-Municipal IPDESVacant
Representative at LargeMitch Poulsen
Shoshone-Bannock TribesHunter Osbourne
Water-Based RecreationBrady Long
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