Category | Docket Description | Status |
Water Quality IDAPA 58.01.02 | Water Quality: Docket No. 58-0102-1803 Rulemaking initiated to allow de minimis additions of heat in waters that exceed applicable temperature criteria. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Final rule package submitted to EPA for approval April 15, 2019. |
Wastewater IDAPA 58.01.16 | Wastewater: Docket No. 58-0116-2501 | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | NEGOTIATED RULE DRAFT Negotiated rulemaking meeting April 1, 2025. Rule Draft No. 1 comment deadline April 8, 2025. |
Air Quality IDAPA 58.01.01 | Air Quality: Docket No. 58-0101-2401 | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Pending rule adopted by the Board on November 14, 2024. If approved by concurrent resolution of the Idaho Legislature, the rule will become effective on July 1, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the concurrent resolution. |
Hazardous Waste IDAPA 58.01.05 | Hazardous Waste: Docket No. 58-0105-2401 Rulemaking initiated to update federal regulations incorporated by reference. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Pending rule adopted by the Board on November 14, 2024. If approved by concurrent resolution of the Idaho Legislature, the rule will become effective on July 1, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the concurrent resolution. |
Water Quality IDAPA 58.01.02 | Water Quality: Docket No. 58-0102-2401 Rulemaking initiated to remove Sections 851, Petroleum Release Reporting, Investigation, and Confirmation, and 852, Petroleum Release Response and Corrective Action, from IDAPA 58.01.02, Water Quality Standards, and move to IDAPA 58.01.24, Standards and Procedures for Application of Risk Based Corrective Action at Petroleum Release Sites. This is a companion rulemaking to Docket No. 58-0124-2401. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Pending rule adopted by the Board on November 14, 2024. If approved by concurrent resolution of the Idaho Legislature, the rule will become effective on July 1, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the concurrent resolution. |
Drinking Water IDAPA 58.01.08 | Drinking Water: Docket No. 58-0108-2401 Rulemaking initiated to incorporate by reference the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Pending rule adopted by the Board on November 14, 2024. If approved by concurrent resolution of the Idaho Legislature, the rule will become effective on July 1, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the concurrent resolution. |
Contested Cases IDAPA 58.01.23 | Contested Cases: Docket No. 58-0123-2401 Update IDAPA 58.01.23, Contested Case Rules and Rules for Protection and Disclosure of Records (DEQ rules), for consistency with IDAPA 62.01.01, Idaho Rules of Administrative Procedure, recently adopted by the Office of Administrative Hearings. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Pending rule adopted by the Board on November 14, 2024. If approved by concurrent resolution of the Idaho Legislature, the rule will become effective on July 1, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the concurrent resolution. |
Drinking Water and Wastewater Grants IDAPA 58.01.22 | Drinking Water and Wastewater Grants: Docket No. 58-0122-2401 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Pending rule adopted by the Board on November 14, 2024. If approved by concurrent resolution of the Idaho Legislature, the rule will become effective on July 1, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the concurrent resolution. |
Environmental Fees IDAPA 58.01.14 | Environmental Fees: Docket No. 58-0114-2401 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. This rulemaking also proposes the consolidation of environmental fees into one chapter. Phase one is consolidation of fees applicable to wastewater treatment facilities. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Pending rule adopted by the Board on November 14, 2024. If approved by concurrent resolution of the Idaho Legislature, the rule will become effective on July 1, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the concurrent resolution. |
Individual/Subsurface Sewage Disposal IDAPA 58.01.03 | Individual/Subsurface Sewage Disposal: Docket No. 58-0103-2301 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Pending rule adopted by the Board on November 14, 2024. If approved by concurrent resolution of the Idaho Legislature, the rule will become effective on July 1, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the concurrent resolution. |
Air Quality IDAPA 58.01.01 | Air Quality: Docket No. 58-0101-2301 Rulemaking initiated to update federal regulations incorporated by reference. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Final rule effective July 1, 2024. |
Petroleum Release Correction Action IDAPA.58.01.24 | Petroleum Release Corrective Action: Docket No. 58-0124-2401 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. This rulemaking also moves Sections 851 and 852 from IDAPA 58.01.02, Water Quality Standards, under companion Docket No. 58-0102-2401, to IDAPA 58.01.24. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Pending rule adopted by the Board on November 14, 2024. If approved by concurrent resolution of the Idaho Legislature, the rule will become effective on July 1, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the concurrent resolution. |
Underground Storage Tanks IDAPA 58.01.07 | Underground Storage Tanks: Docket No. 58-0107-2301 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Final rule effective July 1, 2024. |
Drinking Water IDAPA 58.01.08 | Drinking Water: Docket No. 58-0108-2301 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Final rule effective July 1, 2024. |
IPDES IDAPA 58.01.25 | IPDES: Docket No. 58-0125-2301 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Final rule effective July 1, 2024. |
Water Quality IDAPA 58.01.02 | Water Quality: Docket No. 58-0102-2201 This rulemaking was initiated to update Idaho’s human health criteria for arsenic. Negotiated under Docket No. 58-0102-1801 and adopted under Docket No. 58-0102-2201. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Final rule package submitted to EPA for approval on July 6, 2023. EPA Action letter and Technical Support Document received on September 29, 2023. |
Air Quality IDAPA 58.01.01 | Air Quality: Docket No. 58-0101-2101 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020, and Title V fee rule revisions negotiated under Docket No. 58-0101-1902. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Final rule effective March 28, 2023. |
Water Quality IDAPA 58.01.02 | Water Quality: Docket No. 58-0102-1801 This rulemaking was initiated to update Idaho’s human health criteria for arsenic. Negotiated under Docket No. 58-0102-1801 and proposed under Docket No. 58-0102-2201 . | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Proposed rule published in the March 2, 2022 Idaho Administrative Bulletin under Docket No. 58-0102-2201. Comment deadline April 1, 2022. |
Water Quality IDAPA 58.01.02 | Water Quality: Docket No. 58-0102-1802 Rulemaking to adopt aquatic life criteria for acrolein, carbaryl, and diazinon, and to clarify description of recreational use | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Final rule package submitted to EPA for approval on January 20, 2022. |
Disposal of Radioactive Materials IDAPA 58.01.10 | Disposal of Radioactive Materials: Docket No. 58-0110-2301 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. This rulemaking also includes review of the list of federal regulations incorporated by reference and adjustments based on that review. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | CLOSED Pending rule adopted by the Board on November 14, 2024. If approved by concurrent resolution of the Idaho Legislature, the rule will become effective on July 1, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the concurrent resolution. |
Drinking Water and Wastewater Loans IDAPA 58.01.12 | Drinking Water and Wastewater Loans: Docket No. 58-0112-2501 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | NEGOTIATED RULE DRAFT Negotiated rulemaking meeting April 17, 2025. Rule Draft No. 1 comment deadline April 24, 2025. |
Groundwater Quality IDAPA 58.01.11 | Groundwater Quality: Docket No. 58-0111-2501 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | NEGOTIATED RULE DRAFT Negotiated rulemaking meeting April 18, 2025. Rule Draft No. 2 comment deadline April 25, 2025. |
Solid Waste Management IDAPA 58.01.06 | Solid Waste Management: Docket No. 58-0106-2501 Rulemaking initiated in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01, Zero-Based Regulation (EO 2020-01), issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020. | PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY | NEGOTIATED RULE DRAFT Negotiated rulemaking meeting April 21, 2025. Rule Draft No. 2 comment deadline April 28, 2025. |
DEQ conducts numerous forms of rulemaking in compliance with the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act (Idaho Code §67-5201 et seq).