DEQ implements the Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Program to evaluate and prioritize the assessment of potentially contaminated sites. Idaho has more than 8,500 inactive and abandoned mines, mineral locations, and mineral discoveries. The state also has multiple abandoned or repurposed industrial facilities such as old landfills, repair and maintenance shops, dry cleaners and laundromats, rural airfields, railroad depots, and various manufacturers. Priority is given to sites where potential contamination poses the most substantial threat to human health or the environment.
The Preliminary Assessment Program is implemented through a cooperative agreement between DEQ and EPA.
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The majority of sites assessed by DEQ do not warrant remedial action based on current uses. In the cases where DEQ finds that a substantial risk exists, one of several actions may occur.
- The current owner or responsible party may voluntarily act to abate or manage risks at the property, although no formal agreement is required.
- If there is a responsible party who is willing to work with DEQ to manage or abate risks, the property owner may participate in DEQ’s Voluntary Cleanup Program and implement corrective action.
- If a public entity is willing to take ownership of the site and abate or manage risks, the property may be a candidate for DEQ’s Brownfields Program.
- None of the property owners who have participated in the program are cleaning up sites due to regulatory action by DEQ. However, DEQ does have a regulatory obligation to address environmental threats and may instigate an administrative action by issuing the responsible party (owner/operator) a Notice of Violation (NOV) consistent with the Hazardous Waste Management Act (HWMA) or Environmental Protection and Health Act (EPHA). After issuing an NOV, DEQ will seek to alleviate the existing threat and may pursue penalties for violations of state law and cost recovery.
- In the event of no responsible party and an imminent and substantial threat to human health and/or the environment, DEQ’s director may make a hazardous waste emergency declaration. This declaration would allow DEQ to use emergency response funds to hire remediation specialists to clean up the site. Emergency response funds are drawn from penalties imposed on responsible parties who have violated the HWMA.
- If state funding is unavailable or the site falls under federal jurisdiction, the site may be placed on the EPA National Priority List. EPA then leads the site cleanup effort.
The Preliminary Assessment Program can help landowners and communities distinguish between sites that pose little or no threat to human health or the environment and sites that require additional investigation and cleanup. DEQ accepts applications from landowners looking for assistance in determining the condition of their property. Due to funding considerations, priority will be given to sites where potential contamination poses the most substantial threat to human health or the environment.
Contact DEQ’s Preliminary Assessment Program Coordinator if you have questions.
DEQ prepares preliminary assessment and site inspection reports of mine and industrial sites. DEQ’s work at these sites ranges from acquiring legal access to completing a preliminary assessment or site inspection report. Some of the sites may also have links to engineering plans or construction completion reports for remedial action. Final preliminary assessment or site inspection reports are usually completed by DEQ within 5 to 6 months after conducting a site visit.
Note: Listed sites are private properties. Do not enter without the owner’s permission. If authorized, avoid contact with hazardous materials and respect the property’s historical significance.
Name | County | Date | Document |
Ajax Mine (aka Phoenix Group, Lost Lake, War Eagle Fraction, Water Eagle, Phoenix, Ajax, Ajax Fraction, Phoenix Fraction, Blue Rock) | Idaho | 2001 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
West Fork Mine (aka West Fork #1, West Fork #2, Black Hawk, Yellow Jacket, and Satellite Lode.) | Blaine | 2021 | Preliminary Assessment Report and Site Inspection Report |
Ajax Mine Dixie Mining District (aka Mountain Boy, Midas, Ajax, Monitor) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment Report |
Alamance Mine (aka Blue Dragon, Alliance, Allamance) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Alamo Prospect | Bonner | 2015 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection |
Alaska Mine (aka Idaho Copper Mining Co., Alaska Tungsten Mine, Maud S., Mountain King, Alaska, Cleavland Fraction, Cleavland, Copper Crescent Lode, Norma Lode, Mountain Queen Lode) | Adams | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Alder Creek Mining District (aka Cossack Tunnel, Empire Mill, Empire Mine, Alberta Tunnel, Headhouse, Bullion Tunnels, Blue Bird Mine, Pacific Mill Site, and Atlantic Mill Site; aka Blue Jay No. 1, Buena Vista, Copper Bullion, Hannibal, Leslie W., Occidental, Pasha, Rio Vista, Wellington, Headhouse, Blue Bird, Blue Jay, Blue Jay No. 2, Continental, Eastern, Khedive, Midwinter, Remonitization, Easlie Group, and Sultan patented mining claims) | Custer | 2005 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation |
Alhambra Mine (aka San Francisco Group, Alhambra Prospect, Alhambra, St. Paul Mill Site, St. Paul Fraction, San Francisco Prospect, San Francisco, Gem City) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Allen Mine (aka Allen Group, Bloomfield Properties, Tom Rogers Lode, and Alpine Lode patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Almaden Mine (aka Idaho Almaden, Nut Meg, Osa, Anna, Nutmeg) | Washington | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Altoona Mine | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
American Eagle Mine and Mill Site (aka American Eagle 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11; Surprise; Pansy; Fish Hawk Group) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment Report |
Amicus Mine (aka Parker Mine) | Blaine | N/A – Access to site denied | No document available |
Anderson Family Property | Elmore | 2018 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment Report |
Andy Patented Claim (aka Allie Group, Allie Mining Co. Claims, “Old” Gilmore Town Site, Andy Tunnel) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment Checklist |
Arizona Mine (aka Arizona and Iris patented mining claim) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Atlanta Area Mines (aka Tahoma Mine, Stanley Mine, Buffalo Mine, Monarch Mine, Idaho Gold Mine, Minerva Mine, Alaska #2 Adit, and Pettit Group) | Elmore | 2019 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection |
Atlas Mine and Mill (aka Colonel Sellers, Fortune Deposit, General Armstrong, Fortune, Monterey, Baltic, CBDK, Atlas Lode) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Avery Railroad Dump and Roundhouse | Shoshone | 1991 | Preliminary Assessment Site Inspection Report |
Baldy Mountain Road Landfill Site | Bonner | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Baltimore Mine (aka Baltimore and Victoria patented mining claims; aka Bonanza Tunnel) | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Banner Mine Area (aka Banner, Crown Point, Wolverine, Panamint, Ritchie, Silver Chief, State of Idaho, Kloppenberg) | Boise | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Bassett Gulch Mill Site (aka Bassett Gulch) | Blaine | 2000 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation Appendix A |
Bay State Group (aka Grant Incline; Michigan Shaft; Illinois Shaft; Independence Shaft; Bay State Tunnel, Upper Tunnel, and Shaft; Illinois; Tennessee; Massachusetts; Michigan; Washington; Idaho; Oregon) | Owyhee | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment Report Expanded Site Inspection Jordan Creek Historic Mining Area |
Bear Gulch Mine Complex (aka Bear Top/Orofino Mill Site, Bear Top Mine, Orofino Mine, Ione Mine, Silver Scott) | Shoshone | 2003 | Site Investigation Report |
Beardsley-Excelsior Mine | Custer | 2003 | Preliminary Assessment Report Preliminary Site Assessment |
Belevedore Mine (aka Belvuedore, Independence) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Belshazzar Mine (aka Ternan-Belshazzar Group, Idawa Development Co.) | Boise | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Bengal Mine | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Bennett Lumber Site (aka Shearer Lumber) | Idaho | 2014 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Bennington Canyon Mine (aka Teton Phosphate Company, Wright Mine) | Bear Lake | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Big Buffalo Mine (aka Alligator Mine, Merrimac Mine, Alligator, Merrimac, Thistle, Ajax #2, Texas, Trilby, Maremack Fraction, Buffalo Bull, Oro Fino Wedge, Oro Fino, Buffalo Hump Fraction, Merrimack, Molly Gibson, Clara B, Pirate, Red Cross, Improvement Lode & Mill Site, Hattie B) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Big Wood River | Blaine | 2015 | Supplemental Site Inspection Report 2010 Site Inspection Report |
Bimetallic Ridge Mines (aka Catherine Mine [aka Silver Butte Mine], Brown Bear Mine [aka Silver Butte Mine, Silver Hill, Erickson], Hope and Faith Shaft, Iron Mask Mine) | Bonner | 2013 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report Addendum to Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Black Horse, Hillside, and Big Bonanza Mines (aka Black Horse, Hillside, and Big Bonanza patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Black Spar Mine (aka Silver Spar Mine; aka Black Spar, True Blue, USA, Black Spar Fraction, White Spar, Edna M. Fraction, Sunnyside, Good Hope, Siler Wedge, Geneva, Lost Ben Ross, Little Joe, Moonlight, Dorothy I, Bogard, May, Silver Tip, Little Wonder, Great Northern, and Lucky Boy patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Bloomington Canyon Mine | Bear Lake | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment ReportPreliminary Assessment Report Addendum |
Blue Gulch (aka Dewey Mine, Empire Mine, Blue Gulch Mine, Black Jack-Trade Dollar Mine, Dewey Tunnel, Idaho Tunnel, No. 12 Adit, Empire State Tunnel, Humboldt Mine, Summit Mine, Brunzel Mine, Trade Dollar Consolidated Mill, Alta Vista Mine, and Idaho Mine; aka Rough and Ready, Gordan, Seventy-nine, Phillips, Palm Beach Inn, Caliph of Bagdad, Independence, Economy, Industry, Blaine, Blaine Extension, Colorado, Jumbo, Black Bart, Pluto, South Pluto, Caroline, Fraction, Empire State, Phillip, and Alta Vista patented mining claims) | Owyhee | 2004 | Preliminary Assessment Report Dewey Tunnel Blue Gulch Phase 1A Site Characterization and Screening Risk Analysis Dewey Mine Site InspectionExpanded Site Inspection Jordan Creek Historic Mining Area |
Boulder Basin Claims (aka Boulder Group Mines: aka Sunset, Climax, Calamine, Mascot, Revenue, Triumph, Summit, Daisy, Mint, Champion, Trapper, Tip Top, Sullivan, Puritan, Crown Point patented mining claims; Golden Glow Mines: aka Louisa, Bazouk, Ohio, Ophir, Sunrise patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Buckskin Mine (aka Buckskin East, Early Bird) | Custer | 2015 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection |
Buffalo Hump Mining District (aka Robbins Mining District, Vesuvius Mine, Alhambra Mine, Spokane Mine, Tiger Prospect, Altoona Mine, Big Buffalo Mine, Cracker Jack Mine [aka Cracker Jack Mill], Winslow Prospect, Wiseboy Mine, North Star Mine, Lucky Lad Mine, Mother Lode Mine [aka Concord], Ajax Mine, Atlas Mine and Mill, Rob Roy Mine [aka Dice Mine], St. Louis Mine, Jumbo Mine and Mill [aka Brooklyn Mill] and Jumbo Camp, Del Rio Mine and Mill [aka Venture], Dewey Occurrence, Sheep Creek Placers, and miscellaneous patented mine and mill site claims) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Bull Moose Placer (aka First Chance & Last Chance) | Clearwater | N/A – Access to site denied. | No document available |
Bullion & Ophir Mines (aka Durango Tunnel, Ophir Shaft, Brown Tunnel, and Bullion, Durango, Check, Fairie Queen, Index, Indian Queen, Mountain View, Oneida, Ophir, and Rough & Ready patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Bullion Mill (aka Apache Mill, Bullion Creek Subdivision – Lot B) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Bullion Mine | Shoshone | 2004 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation Report Bullion Mine Appendices |
Bullwhacker Mine (aka Abbie, Bodie, Friedman patented mining claims; and Grey Eagle patented mining claim) | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Burns Gravel Pit | Bingham | 2005 | Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection |
Buster Mine (aka Golden Rule, Protection) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Butte & Orogrande Mine (Hogan’s Mine) (aka Orogrande-Frisco, Great Hogan, Hogan, Orogrande, Crooked River) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Calumet Patented Claim (aka Silver Moon Group) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Campbell Mine (aka Silver Creek Group, Venus Quartz) | Clearwater | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Capital Station (Union Pacific Railroad) (aka Capitol Station) | Ada | 1995 | Site Inspection Report |
Center Star Mine | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Chicago (L&M) Mine (aka Chicago L&M; aka Bellevue King) | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Cinnabar Mine (aka Cinnabar Group, Hermes, Pretty Maid, Annie Sell, Vermillion, Vermillion Ext. No. 1, Golden Gate No. 4) | Valley | N/A | Cinnabar Mine Removal Report North Tailings Impoundment |
Clayton Slag Pile | Custer | 2014 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Cleveland Mine | Boise | 2008 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Cloverleaf Mine | Boise | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Coleman Tunnel (aka Coleman Lode, Rebellion Tunnel, Rebellion Lode, Nellie Extension Lode, Nellie Extension Tunnel, Cargill Mill Site, Alabama Mill Site, Hidden Treasure Mill Site, Justice Lode) | Blaine | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Columbia Mill | Lemhi | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Commodore Mine | Blaine | 2009 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Comstock Mine (aka Idaho-Comstock, Independence, Dixie Comstock, Idaho Comstock, Comstock Independence, Seattle and Idaho) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Congress Mine | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Conjecture Mine (aka Conjecture Lode, Spider Lode, Comet, Rainbow, Lucky Strike) | Bonner | N/A | Conjecture Mine Environmental Bulletin |
Consolidated Mine | Bear Lake | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report Consolidated Mine Addendum |
Cracker Jack Mine (aka Cracker Jack Mill, Cracker Jack, Santa Rosa, White Bird) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Craig Mountain Lumber Company | Lewis | 2013 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Craigmont Landfill | Lewis | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Croesus Mine Site (aka Croesus Mill Site, Croesus Extension, Croesus Extension Lode, Croesus MS Extension, Croesus L&M patented mining claim) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Crooks Corral Elevated Placer (aka Harden Mill, Elmer, Pennsylvania, Ideal, Highland Chief on Gold Nugget, Ottawa Goldstone, Number 2 on Gold Nugget, Number 3 on Gold Nugget placer claims) | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Cub Creek Landfill | Clearwater | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Deadwood Mine Preliminary Assessment Report (aka Pilgrim Mine) | Valley | 2000 | Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Report |
Deadwood Mine Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Report (aka Pilgrim Mine) | Valley | 2000 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation Report Deadwood Mine Site Final Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Report |
Deheeya Ranch Mine Claims (aka Ornament Mill Site, Ohio North Mill Site, Ohio South Mill Site, Sentinel Mill Site, and Trade Dollar Mill Site) | Blaine | 2009 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Del Rio Mine and Mill (aka Venture Prospect and unpatented claims) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Deming Industries | Kootenai | 1984 | Preliminary Assessment |
Democrat Mine | Blaine | N/A – Access to site denied. | No document available |
Dewey Occurrence | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Diamond Gulch Mine | Caribou | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Dorothy Patented Claim (aka Gilmore Mercantile Co. Claims, Martha Group, Dorothy Group, Dorothy Tunnel) | Lemhi | N/A – Access to site denied. | Dorothy Patented Claim Maps & Photos |
E C Ray Mine | Blaine | 2014 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Easter Mine (aka Golden Age Prospect, Meadow Creek, Black Sam) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Edie Patented Claim (aka Allie Group, Allie Mining Co. Claims) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Elizabeth Park | Shoshone | N/A | Elizabeth Park Stream Bank Remediation Project Closure Report |
Elk River Bulky Site | Clearwater | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Elkhorn Mine | Blaine | N/A – Access to site denied. | No document available. |
Emma Mine (aka Friend Lode, Susie Lode, Aratus Lode, Albion Lode, Emma Lode, Wallace Lode Fraction) | Blaine | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Empire-Parnell Mine (aka Chicago and Little Giant) | Blaine | 2009 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Enterprise Group (aka Blackbird No. 5 Tunnel, Diana Mines, Mineral Mines & Baby Mines, Blackbird, Enterprise Fraction, Enterprise, Red Flag & Commonwealth Lode, and Red Flag Mill Site patented mining claims) | Boise | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Eureka Mine (aka Idahoan Group; aka Idahoan, Richmond Lode, Eureka, Homestake, Whale, and Garfield patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Frank Peck Lode (aka Circ Twins Mine Group, Knob Hill Mine, Petsite Mine, Petzite Mine) | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
G.A.P. Patented Claim (aka Gilmore Mercantile Co. Claims, Martha Group, Dorothy Group) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Gem of the Mountains/Ivanhoe/Star Patented Mining Claims | Boise | 2007 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Genesee Landfill (aka Genesee City Dump) | Latah | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Georgetown Canyon Mine South Limb (aka Hillside Group: Hillside No. 1, Hillside No. 2, Highland No. 1; Highland Placer; Great Deposit Group: Great Producer, Great Deposit) | Bear Lake | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Georgetown Canyon Mine West Limb (aka Superior Group: Superior, Superior No. 1, Superior No. 2, Superior No. 3, and Superior Extension) | Bear Lake | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Georgetown Canyon Right Fork Mine | Bear Lake | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report Right Fork Mine Addendum |
Gilmore Division of the Texas Mining District | Lemhi | 2016 | Supplemental Site Inspection Report |
Gilmore Division of the Texas Mining District (aka Pittsburgh Idaho Mine, Pittsburgh Idaho Group, P.I. Mine, Never Sweat Mine, Silver Dollar Mine, Latest Out Mine; aka Hatton, Edie, Glen Tunnel, Silver Dollar Extension, W.H. Cannon, Gilmore, Andy, Martha, Dorothy, Ruth, La Porte, G.A.P, Olive, Vick, Texas, Sixteen-to-One (16 to 1), Mixer, Cook, Annex, Roy Launder, Ernest, Elk, and Elk No. 2 patented claims) | Lemhi | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Gilmore Patented Claim (aka Allie Group, Allie Mining Co. Claims, Gilmore Mine, Gilmore Decline, Gilmore Tunnel) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Gilmore Townsite Common Use Areas and Surrounding Lands | Lemhi | 2017 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection |
Glen Tunnel (aka Allie Group, Allie Mining Co. Claims, Glen Patent) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Gnome Mine and Mill Site (aka Gnome Mine (International), Prince Group, Prince, Riverside Fraction) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Gold Bottom Mine (aka May Queen, May, Saturn, Modoc Chief, Modick Chief, Good Luck, Hawk, Winona, Highland Chief, Evergreen, Jay Gould Ext., Jay Gould, McLelen, McLelan, Mayflower, Grant Central, War Eagle, and Emma patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Gold Creek Area Mines | Bonner | 2019 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection |
Gold Creek Shoshone Silver Mill | Bonner | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report Gold Creek Shoshone Silver Mill Appendices |
Gold Hill and Iowa Mines (aka Gold Hill Iowa Mine; aka Gold Hill, Iowa, Pioneer, Sunday, Confederate, Quartzburg, Granite Creek, and Pioneer Mountain patented mining claims) | Boise | 2006 | Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Report Quartzburg Preliminary Assessment Granite Creek Preliminary Assessment Report |
Golden Age Mine (aka Golden Age Junior Mine; Golden Age, Jr. Mine; aka Theron, Charlotte, Theron Fraction, Francis, Harper, and Florence patented mining claims) | Boise | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Good Luck Lode & Mill Site (aka May Queen, May, Saturn, Modoc Chief, Modick Chief, Good Luck, Hawk, Winona, Highland Chief, Evergreen, Jay Gould Ext., Jay Gould, McLelen, McLelan, Mayflower, Grant Central, War Eagle, and Emma patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Grace Airstrip (aka Grace Airport) | Caribou | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Greyhound Mine (aka General Grant, Birdie, Birdie Mill Site, Rufus Mill Site, Idaho Mill Site, Col. Bernard Mill Site, Ophir Mill Site, Smith Mill Site, Mother Mill Site, Logan Mill Site, Holey Terror Mill Site, General Grant Mill Site, Buck Horn Mill Site, Rufus, Mother, Holey Terror, Col. Bernard, Logan, Margarette, Smith No. 3, and Smith No. 2 patented mining claims) | Custer | 1999 | Preliminary Assessment Report Greyhound Mine Baseline Water Quality Assessment |
GVD Property (aka Moen Site, Formerly a Kootenai County Landfill Site) | Kootenai | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Hansy Mine (aka Hansey Mine) | Shoshone | 2004 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Harmony Mine (aka Contention, Leap Year, Continental, Anderson Group, Income Group) | Lemhi | 2000 | Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Report Harmony Mine Removal Action Report |
Hatton Patented Claim (aka Allie Group, Allie Mining Co. Claims) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Hayfork Mine (aka Humming Bird, Gold Bug Group, Switzerland, Hercules, Black Eagle Group) | Boise | 2016 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Hecla Patented Claim (aka Silver Moon Group) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Helena Site/South Peacock Mine | Adams | 2000 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Hoffstetter Mine | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Homestake Mine/Badger Shafts (aka Twin Circles, Badger, Pennsylvania Lode) | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Hope Mine (aka Elsie K.) | Bonner | 2016 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection |
Hornet Mine (aka Hornet Lode) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Hot Springs Mine (aka Rhodia) | Bear Lake | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Idaho Champion Group Lode and Pacific Group Lode Claims (aka Pacific Mine/Pacific Group patent, Champion Group, Idaho Champion Deposit, Black Champion patent, Champion patent, Nellie patent, Gold Dike patent, Meadow patent, Imperial patent, Elma patent, Ethel patent, Crown Point patent, Gold Card patent, Pittsburg patent, Big Elk Horn patent, Gold Leaf patent, Riverside patent, Mabel patent, Blue Jay patent, and mill site claims) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment Report and Site Inspection Report |
Idaho Forest Group (aka Bennett Forest Industries, Shearer Lumber Products, Elk No. 1, Wolverine, All on Back, Alberta 1, Alberta 2, Alberta 4, Alberta 5, Alberta 6, Spotted Deer 1, Spotted Deer 2, Spotted Deer 3, Spotted Deer 4) | Idaho | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Idaho Lakeview Mine & Mill (aka Venezuela, Vensuela, Hewer, Western Adventure, Western Adventure #2, Western Adventure #5, Moonlight, Lakeview Mill, Gold Creek Shoshone Silver Mill, Idaho Lakeview Mine, Idaho Lakeview Mill Site, Late Bonanza, Venzwela Quartz) | Bonner | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report Idaho Lakeview Mine & Mill Appendices |
Idaho Transportation Department Turkey Island Site | Nez Perce | 2014 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Idahoan Group (aka Idahoan, Richmond Lode, Eureka, Homestake, Whale, and Garfield patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Idora Mill and Red Monarch Mine | Shoshone | 2004 | Site Investigation Report |
Idora Mine | Shoshone | 2003 | Site Investigation Report Northern Coeur d’Alene Mining District, Stream-Sediment Geochemistry in Mining-Impacted Streams: Prichard, Eagle, and Beaver Creeks Idora Mill Final Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis |
Imperial Lode Mine & Mill Site (aka Imperial Group, BLM Lot No. 38A, Parcels RP1M000000155B, and RP03N170230000) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Independence & Saturn (aka Independence and Saturn lode patents) | Boise | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Independence 81 Mine | Blaine | 2007 | Site Assessment |
Independence Mine and Mill Site (aka Denovo Properties; aka Baltimore Victoria Mining; aka Massaro Properties; aka Triumph Mine Incorporated; aka Chicago, Independence, Malta #1, Malta #2, Malta #3, Midland, Union, West Shore patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report Independence Mine and Mill Site Appendices |
Indian Queen | Blaine | 2009 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Interstate Mill (aka Interstate Callahan Mill) | Shoshone | N/A | Interstate Mill Removal Action Closure Report |
Iola Mine | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Isabel Patented Claim (aka Silver Moon Group) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
J.E.T. Business Park Subdivision | Blaine | 2019 | J.E.T. Business Park Subdivision |
Jay Gould Mine (aka May Queen, May, Saturn, Modoc Chief, Modick Chief, Good Luck, Hawk, Winona, Highland Chief, Evergreen, Jay Gould Ext., Jay Gould, McLelen, McLelan, Mayflower, Grant Central, War Eagle, and Emma patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Jerome County Airport | Jerome | 1984 | Preliminary Assessment |
Jerome County Noxious Weed Department (aka Jerome County Weed Control) | Jerome | 1984 | Preliminary Assessment |
Jolly Sailor(s) and War Dance Mines (aka BD #5, BD #9, BD #12, Dedication No. 5, Dedication No. 10, Jungfrauspiel, Talzlwurm) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Jumbo Mine and Mill (aka Brooklyn Mine & Mill, Jumbo Camp, Jumbo, Extension of the Jumbo, Lucy, Baby, Yale, Buffalo Horn, and unpatented claims) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Kelly Creek Mine Site (aka Black Barb Mine or Carboniferous and Black Barb patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Kelly Gulch Mine Site (aka Atlas Mine and Mill Supply Property, Dan Henry Property, Charles B. Kulina Property; and Silver View, Lucre, Spotted Tail, Ellen Stilts, Wiggletail, Hebe, Valley View, Hoosier, Mountain View, Kitty, Sinaloa, Sonora, Cyrus Jacob, Alturas, and Utica patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Keystone Mine | Custer | 2003 | Preliminary Assessment ReportPreliminary Site Assessment |
Knob Hill Pit Mine (aka Friday Lode, Friday Fraction Lode, Alaska #3, Alaska #4) | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Koeninger Mine (aka Koeninger, Silver Bullion No. 2, Maria, Redemption No. 2, and True Friend patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
L & L Mine | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
La Porte Patented Claim (aka Gilmore Mercantile Co. Claims, Martha Group, Dorothy Group) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Lakeview Mining District (aka Conjecture, Idaho Lakeview, Keep Cool, New Rainbow, and Weber Mines) | Bonner | 2002 | Site Investigation and Characterization Report Lakeview Mining District Appendices |
Landore Mines (aka Arkansaw-Decorah-Marguerite Mine [Arkansas Mine], Helena Mine, Blue Jacket Mine, Queen Mine, Calumet Prospect, Lucky Strike Prospect) | Adams | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Lanes Creek Mine | Caribou | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Latest Out Mine (aka Pittsburgh-Idaho Group, Allie Group, Latest Out Patent, Latest Out Tunnel, Latest Out Shaft) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Leviathan Mine (aka Whitman Mine, Red Warrior, Lucky Jim) | Gem | 2004 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Libby Jane Tunnel, Florence Mine and M.G. Smith Mill Sites (aka Red Cloud No. 12 Level; and Libby Jane, Florence, Geraldine, Passumpie, Green Mountain Boy, Catherine, and Eighty-Nine patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Liberty Gem Mine and Mill Site (aka Liberty Gem #1, #2, #3, #7, #8, #9; Badger #1, #2, #3; Cash #1, #2, #4, #7, #10; Ornament; Trade Dollar; Mike’s Birthday) | Blaine | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Lincoln Mine | Gem | 2003 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Little Giant Mine | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report Little Giant Mine Appendix A |
Livingston and Little Livingston Mine Sites (aka Livingstone, Little Livingston Lake Mine) | Custer | 2014 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection |
Livingston Mill | Custer | 2003 | Site Investigation Report Livingston Mill Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis |
Lone Pine Mine and Mother Lode Mine Florence Mining District (aka Lone Pine Mine: Halmadge (Holmadge); Mother Lode Mine: Moder Lode) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Lucky Lad Mine (aka Lucky Lad Deposit, Alligator) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Madre d’Oro Mine (aka Patented: Madre d’Oro MS, White Fir Fraction MS, White Fir MS; Unpatented: Mineral Zone #6, #7, #8, #10; Rare Group No. 2; Rare Group No. 3; Noisy Rock Placer) | Idaho | 2012 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Magdalena Mine | Blaine | 2006 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Manchester Mill Site | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Martha Patented Claim (aka Gilmore Mercantile Co. Claims, Martha Group, Allie Tunnel, P.I. Tunnel) | Lemhi | N/A – Access to site denied. | Martha Patented Claim Maps & Photos |
Mary K Mine (aka Black Pine Mine) | Idaho | 2012 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Mattie Quartz Nos. 2 and 4 and Harrison No. 2 Patented Mining Claims | Boise | 2007 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Mayflower Mine (aka May Queen, May, Saturn, Modoc Chief, Modick Chief, Good Luck, Hawk, Winona, Highland Chief, Evergreen, Jay Gould Ext., Jay Gould, McLelen, McLelan, Mayflower, Grant Central, War Eagle, and Emma patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
McCrae Mine (aka McRae Mine, McRay Mine) | Idaho | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment Report McCrae Mine Removal Action |
McMahon Patented Mining Claims (aka Ader, Adar, Adair) | Boise | 2009 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Midway Appliance Parts Site (aka Washington Water Power Work Center, Coeur d’Alene Cavalry Stables) | Kootenai | 2013 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Mikado Prospect (aka Markado Lode, Wie Prospect, Humbug Lode) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Minnie Moore Gulch Mines (aka Minnie Moore Mine, Minnie Moore Shaft, Silver Star-Queens Mine, Queen of the Hills Mine, Lusk Tunnel, Moulton Tunnel, Rockwell Shaft, Michigan Shaft, Allen Shaft, Relief Shaft, Penobscot Tunnel; and aka Maggie, Relief, Hope, Masco, Chili Fraction, Old Telegraph, Minnie Moore, Erie, Defiance, Badger, U.S., Grey Copper, Alta, Broadford, Michigan, River View, Penobscot, Penobscot Fraction, San Jose, Con Virginia, Overland, Little Giant, Queen of the Hills patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report Minnie Moore Gulch Mines Appendix A |
Minnie Moore Mill Site (aka Minnie Moore Mill, Minnie Moore Mine, TDD 02-04-0004) | Blaine | 2004 | Site Inspection Report |
Monarch Mill | Shoshone | N/A | Monarch Mill Site Prichard Creek Closure Report |
Monarch Stamp Mill | Elmore | N/A | Monarch Stamp Mill EPA CERCLA Action Memo Monarch Stamp Mill Removal Action |
Monday Mine | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Montgomery Mine | Blaine | N/A – Access to site denied | No document available |
Mother Lode Mine Buffalo Hump Mining District (aka Mother Lode Group, Phoenix Group, Idaho Girl Group, Concord Prospect, Concorde Mine, Concorde Town Site, Concorde, Mother Lode No. 2, Mother Lode Fraction, Shelby, Shelby Fraction, Phoenix, Idaho Girl, Louis, Phoenix Fraction) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Mother Lode Mine Elk City Mining District (aka General Grant) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Muldoon Mines (aka Solid Muldoon, Stonewall Jackson, Mountain Boy, and Champion Prospect) | Blaine | 2013 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Narrow Gauge Gulch (aka Narrow Gauge Mine & Pass Group; and Walla Walla L&M, Manchester L&M, Narrow Gauge #1, Narrow Gauge #2, Bannock, Dreadnaught, Dusty Bill, Moscow, Eclipse, Forest Creek, Hidden Treasure, Sunny South, Monarch, Lafayette, Thurber, Ace, Duece, Burnt Firs, Success, Justice, Link, St. Louis, Mishap, Monell, Aunt Nan, Uncle Hod, and Argent patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Nay Aug Mine (aka Nay-Aug, Nay-Aug Group, Sutherland, Contact, Chief, and Chief Extension patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Never Sweat Mine (aka Pittsburgh Idaho Mine, Never Sweat Shaft, Pittsburgh-Idaho Group) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
New York Mine (aka Anaconda and Illinois, Shamrock, Fall Creek, Ace Gold Mine) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Nine Mile Creek (aka EF Ninemile Hecla Rehab, EF Ninemile Impacted Riparian, EF Ninemile SVNRT Rehab, Ninemile Creek below Dayrock, Ninemile Creek SVNRT near Blackbird, Ninemile Creek Potential Tailings) | Shoshone | N/A | Nine Mile Creek Removal Action Closure Report |
North Fork Coeur d’Alene River | Shoshone | 2019 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection |
North Star Mine (aka Denovo Properties; aka Massaro Properties; aka Triumph Mine Incorporated; aka Thursday, Eclipse, Wednesday, Baby Ethel, Morning Star, Dipper, Woodrow, Bryan, North Star, Sunday, Ketchum, Monday) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection ReportNorth Star Mine Appendices |
North Star Mine Dixie Mining District (aka Northern Star Group) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Numa Tunnel (aka Solace Group, Numa Lode) | Blaine | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Ohio Mine (aka Linderman Property, Ohio Group, and Ohio patented mining claim) | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Olive Patented Claim (aka Gilmore Mercantile Co. Claims, Martha Group, Olive Tunnel) | Lemhi | N/A – Access to site denied. | Olive Patented Claim Maps & Photos |
Olson Asbestos Mine | Clearwater | N/A – Access to site denied | No document available |
Ontario Mine Dixie Mining District | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Ontario Mine Warm Springs Mining District (aka Sunday Mill Site and North Star, Ervine, Sunday, Niagara, Hub No. 2, and Ontario patented mining claims; aka Bowler Group) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Ophir Mine (aka Durango Tunnel, Ophir Shaft, Brown Tunnel, and Bullion, Durango, Check, Fairie Queen, Index, Indian Queen, Mountain View, Oneida, Ophir, and Rough & Ready patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Oregonian, Ohio, Utah, Nevada, and Snowclad Patented Mining Claims (aka Brown Property, Mascot Group) | Blaine | 2007 | Site Assessment |
Orofino City Landfill (aka Orofino Airport) | Clearwater | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Osborne Mine | Boise | 2003 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Oswego Prospect (aka Oswego patented mining claim) | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Overland Mine | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment ReportOverland Mine Appendix A |
Pacific Mine | Custer | 2003 | Preliminary Assessment ReportPreliminary Site Assessment |
Panhandle Smelting and Refining Company (aka Black Rock) | Bonner | 2006 | Preliminary Assessment ReportPanhandle Smelting and Refining Company Appendices |
Paris Canyon Mine (aka Bloomington, Paris Hills Project) | Bear Lake | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment ReportParis Canyon Mine Addendum |
Parker Mine (aka Amicus, St. Louis Western Reserve, Blacksmith, Gondolier patented mining claims) | Blaine | N/A – Access to site denied | No document available |
Pasadena Mine (aka Circ Twins Mine Group, Vendetta Mine) | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Pass Mine (aka Pass Group; aka Lafayette, Thurber, Ace, Duece, Burnt Firs, Success, Justice, Link, St. Louis, Mishap, Goffre patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Paymaster & Ironclad Mine Claims (aka Paymaster patented mining claim) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Pearl Area Mines (aka Smith Mine, Black Pearl Mine [aka Red Warrior Lode, Leviathan Lode]; Middleman [aka J.I.C. Group, Leviathan Lode, Mormon City]; Sacramento [Aspen Mine]; and Golden Chest Prospect) | Gem | 2017 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Penman Mine (aka Penman Deposit, Homestake, Sadie H, Pennsylvania) | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Poorman Mine (aka Sun Daun, Sun Dawn, Sundown) | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Potlatch Forest Inc. Large Sawmill (aka Potlatch Mill) | Latah | 1991 | Preliminary Assessment |
Quaker City Mine (aka Quaker City patented mining claim and Jo Orla Prospect) | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Queen Bess Mine (aka Grover Crocker Mine and Queen Bess patented mining claim) | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Queen of the West Lode and ‘City of Florence’ Lode (aka Duke #1, Eve Lode 22, Eve #1, Milner #3, Eve Lode 35) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Quintex Corporation | Canyon | 1985 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
R & R Sanitation Inc. | Ada | 1984 | Preliminary Assessment |
Ramshorn Mine (aka Utah Boy, Quebec, Post Boy) | Custer | 2003 | Preliminary Assessment ReportPreliminary Site Assessment |
Rebellion Tunnel (aka Rebellion Lode, Nellie Extension Tunnel, Coleman Tunnel, Coleman Lode, Nellie Extension Lode, Cargill Mill Site, Alabama Mill Site, Hidden Treasure Mill Site, Justice Lode) | Blaine | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Red Cloud Mine (aka Red Cloud, Troy, Whale, Bay State, Regulator, and Vindicator patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Red Elephant Mill Site | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Red Elephant Mine (aka Augusta V, Belmont, Caledonia, Central, Henderson, O.K., Point Lookout, Sunol, Susie V Lode, Susie V, and Wilson patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment ReportRed Elephant Mine Addendum |
Red Ledge Mine | Adams | N/A | Water Quality Report for Deep Creek |
Redbird Mine (aka Red Bird 2, 3, 4; Omaha; Green Bird; Harold; Black Cat; #2 Mill Sites) | Custer | 2004 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Rescue Mine | Idaho | N/A | Rescue Mine Limited Subsurface Investigation |
Revenue Prospect (aka California, Scott Mine) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Richmond Mill & Idahoan Mill | Blaine | 2009 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
River Queen Mine (aka River Queen Patent, Little Queen Patent, Little Queen Group Lode Claim) | Adams | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Roadside Mine | Blaine | 2009 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Rob Roy Mine (aka Dice Mine, Virginia Lode Claims, Dice, Virginia, Christel Lake, and unpatented claims) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Ruth Patented Claim (aka Gilmore Mercantile Co. Claims, Martha Group, Ruth Tunnel) | Lemhi | N/A – Access to site denied. | Ruth Patented Claim Maps & Photos |
Salt Lake and Flat Patented Mining Claims | Blaine | 2007 | Site Assessment |
Sawtooth MMW Property Dump Area (aka Henslee Ranch Subdivision Lot 2) | Blaine | 2015 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Scheelite Mine (aka Sheelite Mine, Shealite Mine, Sacramento No. 2 Lode) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Seafoam Mine (aka Providence Group, Montana Mine) | Custer | 1999 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Sheep Creek Placers (aka Sheep Creek, Glen, Morningstar, Jupiter, Neptune, Venus, Jubilee) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Shiloh and Shamrock Patented Mining Claims | Latah | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Silver Dollar Extension Patented Claim (aka Pittsburgh-Idaho Group) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Silver Dollar Mine (aka Pittsburgh-Idaho Group, Silver Dollar Shaft, Silver Dollar Tunnel) | Lemhi | N/A – Access to site denied. | Silver Dollar Mine Maps & Photos |
Silver King Mine | Idaho | 2015 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Silver Monarch (aka Keystone) | Idaho | 2015 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Silver Moon Mine (aka Silver Moon Group, Mohawk; also see Calumet, Hecla, and Isabel patented claims) | Lemhi | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Sixteen-to-One (16 to 1) Patented Claim (aka Pittsburgh-Idaho Group) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Sixty Four Mine (aka 64 Mine, Monadnock, Sixty-Four Group, 64, Protection, Dixie, South Nugget Placer) | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Skylark Mine (aka Shamrock) | Custer | 2003 | Preliminary Assessment ReportPreliminary Site Assessment |
Solace Mine (aka Solace Group, Solace Lode, Solace No. 2 Lode, Hope Lode) | Blaine | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Sonnemann Mine & Mill (aka South Mountain Mine, New Golconda Tunnel) | Owyhee | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment ReportExpanded Site Inspection Jordan Creek Historic Mining AreaSonnemann Mine & Mill Site Investigation ReportFinal Report for the Sonnemann Mine Tailings Reclamation Project |
South Dry Valley Mine | Caribou | 2019 | Preliminary Assessment |
South Fork Coeur d’Alene River Floodplain (aka Osburn Flats, Osburn Flats USBM Test Plots) | Shoshone | N/A | Closure Report on Removal Actions |
South Fork Mine (aka South Fork Group; Claims: South Fork No. 1, South Fork No. 2, South Fork No. 3, South Fork No. 4, Gilt Edge, Gilt Edge Fraction, Butt in No. 1, Butt in No. 2, Candle Stick, Candlestick No. 1, and Spokane Lodes) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Spokane Mine | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Spring Mountain Mines (aka Annex Lode, Excelsior, Excelsior No. 1, Excelsior No. 2, Excelsior No. 3, Excelsior No. 4, Excelsior Fraction, War Eagle, Constance, Constance No. 1, Constance No. 2, Newport, Weiss, Payrock, Winnie, Winnie Mill Site, Relief, Apex) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Springfield Scheelite Mine (aka White Mare Group, White Mare #1, White Mare #2, White Mare #3, White Mare #4, White Mare #5, White Mare #6, White Mare #7, White Mare #8, White Mare #9, White Mare #10, White Mare #11, Old Faithful, Beulah, and Emma unpatented claims) | Valley | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
St. Louis Mine (aka St. Louis Lode, St. Louis Mill Site, St. Louis Fraction) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
St. Louis Mine (aka Parker Mine; aka St. Louis patented mining claim) | Blaine | N/A – Access to site denied. | |
Star Hope Mine (aka Gamebet, Star of Hope Mine) | Custer | 2006 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Star Mine | Blaine | 2006 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
State Lands Mill Site | Blaine | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Stibnite Area (aka Yellow Pine Mine, North Tunnel, Bradley Tunnel, Meadow Creek Mine, Garnet Pit, Homestake Pit, Glory Hole, West End Mine, Monday Camp) | Valley | N/A | Stibnite Area Site Characterization Report – Executive SummaryStibnite Area Risk Evaluation Report |
Sultan Shaft (aka Larsen Vein, Last Chance) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Sundown Mine | Blaine | 2014 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Talache Mill Site | Elmore | 2005 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Talache Mine (aka Monarch Greenback, LLC) | Elmore | N/A | Talache Mine Site Final Site Characterization ReportTalache Mine Tailings Post Removal Report |
Tamarack, Frisco, and Gem Mines and Millsites (aka Tamarack 400, Tamarack No. 5, Tamarack No. 3, Tamarack Rock Dump, Tamarack Unnamed Adit) | Shoshone | N/A | Tamarack, Frisco, and Gem Mines and Millsites on Canyon Creek Closure Report |
Teakean Butte Occurrence | Clearwater | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Texas Patented Claim (aka Pittsburgh-Idaho Group) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
The Ozark Group (Ajax/Gaffney Mine and Mill Sites) (aka Ajax No. 1, Ajax, Ajax Fraction) | Clearwater | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Tiger Prospect | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Timber Treatment Products (aka Timber Treat Products) | Benewah | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Timberline Solid Waste Landfill | Clearwater | 2017 | Timberline Solid Waste Landfill |
Tin Cup Mine & Mill | Lemhi | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Tonopah Mine | Idaho | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Travers Park Landfill | Bonner | 2013 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Triumph Mine (aka Triumph Shaft; aka Denovo Properties; aka Massaro Properties; aka Triumph Mine Incorporated; aka West Shore, American Eagle, La Barge, Helen Fraction, Haimdal, Smolenski, Edem Pasha, Teller, Oro, GE, Minerva, Triumph, May Leaf, Domski patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection ReportTriumph Mine Appendices |
Triumph Tunnel (aka Triumph Mill Site; aka Denovo Properties; aka Massaro Properties; aka Triumph Mine Incorporated; aka Venus, Silver Key, Crescent, Silver Crown, Tuesday patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection ReportTriumph Tunnel Appendices |
Trout Group Mine | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Tungstar Mine | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Umatilla Prospect | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Vendetta Mine (aka Pasadena) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Vesuvius Mine (aka Yankee Boy Prospect, Blue Ribbon, Ruby Place, Emerald, Vesuvius Fraction, Hope, Iron Cap, Yankee Boy, Osito, Shadow, Vesuvius, Ridge, No. 1, Dead Tree) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Viana Mine (aka Viana 39, Yiana) | Blaine | 2013 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Vick Patented Claim (aka Gilmore Mercantile Co. Claims, Martha Group) | Lemhi | N/A – Access to site denied. | Vick Patented Claim Maps & Photos |
Vienna Mine (aka Vienna Group, Red Wing Lode, Vienna Lode, Vienna East Extension Lode, South Vienna Lode, Vienna West Extension Lode, Virginia Lode) | Blaine | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Vienna Mining District (aka Wisconsin Mill, Webfoot Mine and Mill, Numa Tunnel, Vienna Mine, Vienna Group, Solace Mine, Solace Group, Emma Mine, Coleman Tunnel, Rebellion Tunnel, Nellie Extension Tunnel, Cargill Mill Site, Alabama Mill Site, Hidden Treasure Mill Site, and miscellaneous patented mine and mill site claims) | Blaine | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Vienna Mining District (aka Wisconsin Mill, Webfoot Mine and Mill, Numa Tunnel, Vienna Mine, Vienna Group, Solace Mine, Solace Group, Emma Mine, Coleman Tunnel, Rebellion Tunnel, Nellie Extension Tunnel, Cargill Mill Site, Alabama Mill Site, Hidden Treasure Mill Site, and miscellaneous patented mine and mill site claims) | Camas | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Virginia Placers 1 & 2 (aka Yellow Bar Placer, Clearwater Placer Mining Co.) | Clearwater | 2011 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Volcano and Ajax Mines | Elmore | 2016 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
W.H. Cannon Patented Claim (aka Allie Group, Allie Mining Co. Claims) | Lemhi | 2010 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Walla Walla Mill Site | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Warrior of Idaho | Canyon | 2014 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Waterloo Mine (aka Montpelier Canyon, Montpelier Canyon Area A, Waterloo Hill Mine) | Bear Lake | 2007 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Waverly Mine (aka Monte Cristo Mining Company) | Idaho | 2012 | Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment |
Webfoot Mine and Mill Site (aka Mountain King Mine, Mountain King Mill, California Lode, Flagstaff Lode, Alabama Lode, Webfoot Lode, Oregon Lode) | Blaine | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Weiser Airport | Washington | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Whale Mine (aka Idahoan Group; aka Idahoan, Richmond Lode, Eureka, Homestake, Whale, and Garfield patented mining claims) | Blaine | 2009 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Whitedelph Mine (aka Whitedelf Mine, James E. White Tunnel, Norquist Tunnel) | Bonner | 2006 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Winslow Prospect (aka Winslow) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Wisconsin Mill (aka Wisconsin Mill Site, Rhine Mill Site, Rhine Lode) | Blaine | 2010 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Wiseboy Mine and Mill (aka North Star, Wise Boy Lode, Tennessee, American, Rob Roy) | Idaho | 2011 | Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection Report |
Wolftone Mine (aka Wolftone patented mining claim) | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Wood River Zinc Mill site | Blaine | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
Yellowjacket Mill | Lemhi | 2002 | Preliminary Assessment Report |
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Preliminary Assessment and Remediation Project Coordinator