Common waste from a business that is of the same character as waste generated by households (e.g., office and bathroom trash) is generally disposed of as household waste through a commercial waste transporter. However, wastes derived from an industrial or commercial process, including renovation wastes and bulk computer/electronic waste, require the waste generator to perform a waste determination to ensure the waste is not hazardous. Municipal landfills cannot accept hazardous wastes and may not accept certain nonhazardous industrial commercial wastes that do not conform to their waste acceptance criteria.
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The impoundment of pumpable waste considered to be solid waste by regulation, and not otherwise regulated under a discharge or land application permit, is regulated under the “Solid Waste Management Rules” (IDAPA 58.01.06). For more information, consult DEQ’s Guidance for Siting, Design, and Operations of Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Impoundments in Idaho.
Construction and demolition (C&D) wastes require special consideration because of the potential for the presence of hazardous waste, lead paint, asbestos, and emerging chemicals of concern like per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Landfills specializing in the acceptance of C&D waste may not be authorized to accept loads with these materials, and all disposal sites should require contractors to provide the necessary paperwork to ensure commercial demolition companies performed an adequate audit of the demolition project to identify hazardous wastes, lead paint, and asbestos.
Idaho law only provides requirements relating to medical waste to facilities that meet the definition of a hospital and the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare oversees compliance. The US Department of Transportation and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration also has relevant regulations. DEQ’s Regulated Medical Waste Management and Disposal Guidance was developed to assist healthcare facilities in locating pertinent regulations and identifying best practices.
Some items commonly generated by business and industry are considered Universal Waste instead of hazardous waste and are provided a streamlined path to disposal.
Wood or mill yard debris facilities exclusively manage solid wood, bark, or wood fiber generated from wood products manufacturing. DEQ developed a technical guidance manual to assist owners and operators in managing these facilities. Wood or mill yard debris facilities that operate under the provisions of the manual are exempt from state waste management rules.
Petroleum contaminated soil (PCS) landfarms are regulated under the Solid Waste Management Rules (IDAPA 58-01-06). One-time disposal events are managed by your local health district.