The federal § 319 and State Agricultural Best Management Practices grant application periods are opening soon. See updated application information and resources below. Email for additional information.
- March 14-April 15, 2025: Call for State Agricultural Grant Application
- April 15-July 15, 2025: Call for federal § 319 Grant Application
DEQ offers two grant opportunities to address nonpoint sources (NPS) of pollution. The federal § 319 funds target a variety of nonpoint source projects while state funds address agricultural best management practices and are offered to a more limited audience. These grants are awarded annually on a competitive basis.
Federal § 319 Grant
The Clean Water Act § 319 established a grant program under which states, territories, and tribes may receive funds to support a wide variety of NPS pollution management activities. DEQ is the state agency responsible for administering this grant program in Idaho.
A successful § 319 grant request must focus on reducing pollutants and improving the water quality of lakes, streams, rivers, and aquifers. Funds may be used to address a variety of NPS management and prevention activities:
- Agriculture (except those activities covered by a draft or final Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System IPDES permit).
- Urban stormwater runoff (except instances covered by a draft or final IPDES permit).
- Transportation (except instances covered by a draft or final IPDES permit).
- Silvicultural or forestry-related activities.
- Mining (except those activities covered by a draft or final IPDES permit).
- Groundwater activities (to the extent identified by the state’s NPS management program, including source water protection efforts that involve regional collaboration or have the statewide application).
- Hydrologic and habitat modification and related activities (including wetlands reconstruction).
State Agricultural Best Management Practices Grant
The Idaho Legislature provides additional appropriation dollars annually to increase pollution reduction efforts in Idaho. These state funds are to be used to implement agricultural best management practices to help meet water quality standards in impaired water bodies in Idaho.
Apply for SFY 2026 State Agricultural Best Management Practices grant funding through DEQ’s AmpliFund management system.
Application Process
Applications for state and federal funding must be submitted through DEQ’s AmpliFund grant management system. Use the 2025 State and Federal Application Materials Guide to develop and submit an application. View the Portal Access guide to learn how to revisit an application saved in the AmpliFund grant management system.
For technical assistance, contact your DEQ regional office.
New in 2025
Risk Assessments: Recipients of subawards under the NPS may be required to have a risk assessment completed before entering into a subaward agreement with DEQ. The Subaward Risk Assessment includes a short survey to better understand capabilities in managing funds and internal control practices. The purpose is to assess if there is any risk associated with DEQ awarding funds to a nonfederal entity.
Indirect Rate: Grants awarded on or after October 1, 2024, can receive a 15% de minimis rate of modified total direct costs authorized by 2 CFR 200.414(f).
Invoice Process
For projects awarded before 2021, continue invoicing using the online processes. Use the Federal Grant Invoicing and State Grant Invoicing links in the Resources box at the bottom of this web page.
For projects awarded after 2021, see the Invoice and Final Reporting Assistance for Grant Recipients link in the Resources box at the bottom of this web page.
Submit all invoicing materials to
Application process video
Invoicing process video
Important Dates and Other Information
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Annual application timeframe: March 14–April 15
- Eligible applicants include farmers and ranchers.
- Eligible projects must target agricultural practices that improve water quality and meet the objectives of total maximum daily load requirements.
- Applicants must target projects that are ready to implement.
- Applicants must submit a completed work plan and budget, provided with the application material below.
- Projects must involve multiple partners and leverage other funding sources.
Project contracts have 18-month implementation timeframes. The Basin Advisory Groups prioritize project proposals for funding.
Annual application timeframe: April 15–July 15
Proposed projects that meet the following criteria are ranked higher for funding.
- Applicants must target projects ready to implement management practices that reduce pollutant loads.
- Eligible projects must target pollutants identified in total maximum daily loads and implementation plans.
- Applicants must submit a completed work plan and budget, provided with the application material below.
- Projects must involve multiple partners and leverage other funding sources.
Project contracts have three-year implementation timeframes. The Basin Advisory Groups prioritize project proposals for funding.
- Funds awarded to a project cannot exceed $250,000.
- 40% match required (based on the minimum total project cost).
- NPS awarded funds/0.6)*0.4 = 40% minimum match requirement.
- Use DEQ’s match calculator spreadsheet to calculate match.
- Maximum Administrative Budget (not to exceed 10% of the grant award).
According to § 319(h)(12), administrative costs in the form of salaries, overhead, or indirect costs for services provided and charged against activities and programs carried out with the grant shall not exceed 10% of the grant award.
The costs of implementing enforcement and regulatory activities, education, training, technical assistance, demonstration projects, and technology transfer are not subject to this limitation. Activities, subawards, and projects that fall under the six exempted categories listed above are not required to track administrative costs for this provision.
- Administrative (nonproject specific)/Indirect cap calculation:
Example of the 10% cap on a NPS award of $20,000
$20,000 *0.1 = $2,000 maximum
- Monitoring, outreach, and education.
- The combined cost for monitoring and outreach, and education cannot exceed 10% of the awarded NPS funds.
- Include receipts for all costs with invoices submitted for reimbursement.
Be prepared to justify your reimbursement requests with a timesheet if requested.
Note: The application deadline for the State General Fund Agricultural Grant is April 15, 2025. The deadline for the federal 319 grant is July 15, 2025.
- Read the 2025 State and Federal Application Materials Guide
- Register as an AmpliFund user and login to apply for funding.
- Complete and submit a full application package in AmpliFund, including;
- Project Information
- Application forms
- Budget
- Use match calculator
- Maps, letters of recommendation, and any additional supporting documentation
State Grant
Date | Event |
March 14–April 15 | Call for State Agricultural Grant Application. |
June 1 | The regional and statewide rank of projects complete. |
July 1 | State funding available for distribution and contract development begins. |
Federal § 319 Grant
Date | Event |
April 15–July 15 | Call for Federal § 319 grant Application. |
July–August | Application technical reviews and regional Basin Advisory Group (BAG) meetings will hear presentations and rank. |
October 31 | All regional BAG rankings completed. |
December | Statewide prioritization of projects by BAG chairpersons and final recommendation delivered to DEQ. |
July/August | Funding becomes available in the following calendar year and contract development begins. |
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Contact your regional office for technical assistance.
Email for general inquires, and application and invoice submittals.
Nonpoint Source (319) Coordinator