Official Government Website

Camas Creek Subbasin

Data Details
Hydrologic Unit Codes 17040220
Size 685.3 square miles (438,592 acres)
Water Bodies with EPA-Approved TMDLs (Category 4a) Beaver Creek, Camas Creek, Camp Creek, Corral Creek, Dairy Creek, Elk Creek, McKinney Creek, Mormon Reservoir, Soldier Creek, Wildhorse Creek, Willow Creek
Beneficial Uses Affected Cold water aquatic life, salmonid spawning, secondary contact recreation
Major Land Uses Range, agriculture
Date Approved by EPA September 2005 EPA Approval Letter
Date Approved by EPA December 2016 EPA Approval Letter

Subbasin Characteristics

The Camas Creek subbasin lies in south-central Idaho; Camas Creek is the main water body that drains the subbasin. The creek originates in the Camas Prairie and discharges into Magic Reservoir.

2005 Subbasin Assessment and TMDL

Biological and water chemistry data were used to determine if the beneficial uses of the water bodies in the Camas Creek subbasin were fully supported. When data indicated that beneficial uses were being fully supported, DEQ recommending removing the water bodies from the § 303(d) list. When biological data indicated that beneficial uses were not fully supported, DEQ used water chemistry data to identify the source of pollutants impacting beneficial uses. Once a pollutant was identified, load allocations for the appropriate point and nonpoint sources were completed.

TMDLs were completed for 12 water bodies in the subbasin: 11 of the 12 listed water bodies (all but Mormon Reservoir), plus Dairy Creek. TMDLs for Dairy Creek and McKinney Creek should help address sediment and nutrient issues in Mormon Reservoir.

Data indicate that beneficial uses were supported in three of the listed water bodies (Willow, Beaver, and Little Beaver Creeks). However, temperature TMDLs were completed on these water bodies because temperature data indicate that water quality should not be capable of fully supporting beneficial uses.

Flow alteration was found to be a source of pollution impacting the water body in a number of cases. However, flow is not considered a “pollutant” under the Clean Water Act, and TMDLs are not required for pollution that is not caused by a “pollutant.” TMDLs were not completed for flow alteration.

2005 TMDL: Streams and Pollutants for Which TMDLs Were Developed

Stream Pollutants
Camp Creek Nutrients, Sediment, temperature
Elk Creek Sediment
Soldier Creek Sediment, temperature
Corral Nutrients, Sediment, temperature
Cow Creek Sediment, nutrients
Wild Horse Creek Sediment
Dairy Creek Sediment, nutrients
McKinney Creek Sediment
Camas Creek Sediment
Willow Creek Temperature
Beaver Creek Temperature
Little Beaver Creek Temperature

Subbasin Documents

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DEQ Twin Falls Regional Office
650 Addison Avenue West, Suite 110
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Ph: (208) 736-2190
Fax: (208) 736-2194
Toll Free: (800) 270-1663

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