Official Government Website

Forestry Audits

The Idaho Forest Practices Act regulates timber harvest and silvicultural activities across the Gem State. The act applies to private, state, and federal timberlands and implements the goals and objectives of the Idaho Nonpoint Source Management Plan. The Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) implements the act and ensures compliance with management requirements. To ensure adequate protection of surface water, DEQ audits a randomly chosen panel of timber harvests every four years. 

In 2024, IDL and DEQ will conduct 58 timber sales audits throughout Idaho to assess compliance with the “Rules Pertaining to the Idaho Forest Practices Act” (IDAPA 20.02.01), a requirement of the Idaho Nonpoint Source Management Plan. The final audit report will be available by December 2024.  

DEQ and IDL will examine active and recently completed harvesting operations across Idaho’s federal, state, and private lands and suggest modifications to rules that do not adequately protect water quality. These recommendations, which may include administrative rule changes, are a step towards updating IDAPA 20.02.01 to ensure that Idaho’s land management practices and rules use the best available science.

Landowners, forestry operators, and other interested parties may observe these audits with prior arrangements. For more information, contact Hawk Stone, Senior Water Quality Scientist, DEQ’s forestry auditor.

Interactive Map and Schedule

The interactive map below shows the 2024 timber sale audit schedule.  These dates may change, so if you want to accompany the audit team, please contact us in advance.

Audit Documents


Hawk Stone
Senior Water Quality Scientist
Department of Environmental Quality
(208) 373-0588

Jeanne Bradley
Program Manager – Forest Practices and Stewardship
Idaho Department of Lands
(208) 769-1525

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